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  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

dose rate  | inverse dose rate {IDRE}  | chromatin lipids  | glioblastoma multiforme {GBM}  | D-glucaric acid  | saccharic acid  | D-glucaro-1,4-lactone  | sarcolemma | fatty acid translocase | fatty-acid binding protein | heart fatty acid binding protein, H-FABP | fatty-acid transport proteins | recommended daily allowance {RDA} | neural tube defects {NTDs}  | buttock  | bone morphogenetic proteins {BMP} | leukocyte function associated antigen 1 {LFA1} | mevalonate {MVA} | very late antigen {VLA} | 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase | mevalonate pathway | geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate | dolichol phosphate | pharnesyl pyrophosphate | geranyl pyrophosphate | cytophosphane  | vinorelbine  | flow cytometry  | myelodysplastic syndromes {MDS}  | progressive bone marrow failure  | Pontiac fever  | insulin glargine  | conjoined twins  | Siamese twins  | locked in syndrome | genetic sexual attraction {GSA} | frontotemporal dementia (FTD) | glial scar | glycosylphosphatidylinositol {GPI}  | zinc endopeptidases  | biotyping | antibiogram | protein electrophoresis | cell protein profiles | bacteriophage typing | zymotyping | interferon-alpha | interferon-induced thyroid disorder | destructive thyroiditis | non-autoimmune hypothyroidism | biphasic course | fluoroquinolones  | glioma  | multilocus enzyme electrophoresis {MLEE} | pigment epithelium-derived factor {PEDF}  | ribavirin | serotyping | osseointegration  | temporal association  | micronucleus  | CHIP protein | selective protein degradation | chaperone | protein quality-control system | molecular mimicry  | guided bone regeneration | intraosseus defects | van Gieson method | van Gieson stain | osteogenic process | cortical thinning | thinning | aerosolization | bolus injection | tendinopathy | imaging cassette | cannabinoid receptor agonists  | self-administration  | self-stimulation  | euthyreosis | guided bone regeneration (GBR) | intercellular adhesion molecule {ICAM} | gastrointestinal stromal tumors {GIST}  | cyclophosphamide | neuropilin  | bioresorbable | dismetabolic syndrome  | morphometric methods  | molecular classification  | neoplastic disease  | transcriptomics  | metabolomics  | metabolome | investigational drug  | polyamine synthesis  | hepatic arginase  | extrahepatic arginase  | ferric reductases  | substrate specificity  | everolimus  | zotarolimus  | in-stent thrombosis  | cardiogenic shock  | vanilloids  | resiniferatoxin  | prion diseases | incubation period  | physiological prion protein  | pathological prion protein  | disintegrin | thrombospondin | sialoprotein | dentin matrix protein1 {DMP1} | heparin-binding epidermal growth factor {HB-EGF} | hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma {HLRCC } | latency associated peptide {LAP} | large latent complex {LLC} | lysyl oxidase {LOX} | protein-lysine 6-oxidase | latent TGF-β-binding protein {LTBP} | mammalian tolloid {mTLD} | mammalian tolloid-like {mTLL} | procollagen C-proteinase {PCP} | small integrin-binding ligand, N-linked glycoprotein {SIBLING} | small-leucine rich proteoglycans {SLRPs} | subtilisin | serine endopeptidase | subtilin | subtilin-like pro protein convertase {SPC} | monoclonal benign tumor | procollagen C-endopeptidase | carboxyl propeptide | prolamin | extranuclear matrix | bone sialoprotein | etoposide | cytochrome P450 isoform  | ubiquitin proteasome system {UPS}  | epidermal growth factor receptor {EGFR} | reactive nitrogen species {RNS}  | aryl hydrocarbon receptor {Ahr}, {AHR}  | persistent organic pollutants {POPs}  | allyl isothiocyanate {AITC}  | diode-array detector {DAD}  | diindolylmethane {DIM}  | estrogen response element {ERE}  | indole-3-carbinol {I3C}  | glucobrassicin  | isothiocyanates {ITC}  | near infrared spectroscopy {NIRS}  | 16α-hydroxyestrone {16αOHE}  | hydroxyestrone  | phosphoinositide-3 kinase {PI3K}  | trolox equivalents {TE}  | trolox | thioredoxin reductase {TrxR}  | quinone reductase {QR}  | xenobiotic response element {XRE}  | myrosinase  | thioglucoside glucohydrolase  | antioxidant response element {ARE} | non-enzymatic antioxidants  | apoptosis | actin binding proteins {ABP} | actin related protein 2/ 3 {ARP2/ 3} | adenosine 5`-triphosphate {ATP} | adenosine 5`-triphosphatase {ATPaza} | ezrin | cytovillin | moesin | guanosine-5`diphosphate {GDP} | guanosine-5`triphosphatase {GTP-aza} | LIM protein {LIM} | muscle LIM protein | LIM kinase {LIMK} | microtubule associated proteins {MAPs} | mitochondrial Rho {Miro} | myosin light chains {MLC} | myosin light chains phosphatase {MLCP} | Rho proteins | molecular switches | nicastrin {NCT} | oligophrenin | pilin | tachykinin | survivin | presenilins  | cytophosphane | diindolylmethane{DIM} | estrogen response element {ERE} | near infrared spectroscopy {NIRS} | myosine light chains kinase {MLCK} | myrosinase | quinone reductase {QR} | thioglucoside glucohydrolase | bronchial epithelial cells  | clearance  | secretion  | Food and Drug Administration {FDA} | conjugates  |
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