Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

development of testicular injury | dextran sulphate | diabetes (maturity-onset diabetes of the young) {MODY} | diabetic nephropathia | diabetic patients | dialysis therapy | GABA receptors | gabapentin | gaboxadol | gallinaceous fowl | gastric-intestinal disorders | gastro-intestinal tract | gene farming | Generalised-Tonic-Clonic seizures {GTC} | gestational diabetes | ghost image | naloxone | name of patient | narcotics | nasal provocation test {NPT} | National Institute of Public Health {NIPH} | nature and content of container | nature of study | negative influence | neonatal circulation | neopterin | nephropathia | new findings | non adrenergic- non cholergic {nanc} | non-productive | nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories {NSAlD} | non-thermal preservation | non-thyroidal ilnesses {NTI} | normal medical practice | normal saline | not applicable | not recommended | Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices & Biocides | pharmaceutical particulars | reproduction | rubber | savant syndrome | schedule | scintigraphic perfusion | seafood cocktail | jogurt | leptospirosis of cattle and pigs | lesser weever fish | ligament | lipomatous neoplasm | listeriosis | liver abscess | filamentous fungi (moulds) | fumonisin (mycotoxin) | ash content | ranning sand | Lobelia Indian tabacco | Germain chamomile | Fluelin (Wales) | English mandrake | Helen's elecampane | Calendula | Wild mint | Spear mint | Marsh mint | Mint | Hairy mint | Horse mint | Garden mint | Curled mint | Balm mint | Corn rose | Mais; Maize; Indian corn; (USA - corn) | Climbing ivy | In vitro fertilisation {IVF} | human leucocyte antigens {HLA} | acyl carrier protein {ACP} | Addendum {Ad} | amendment {A} | American National Standards Institute {ANSI} | apovincaminic acid | Harmonization Document {HD} | Mutual Recognition Agreement {MRA} | People Involvement {PI} | Ferruginous Duck | American English {AE} | warm blood horse | weaning symptoms | well cooked | wide safety margin | witamin content | without prescription | witness | women in reproduction period | British English {BE} | ascending colon | ascorbic acid deficiency | asphyxia | aspiration of fluid | aspiration of gastric contents | assessment of the breed structure | assistant professor | astigmatism | asymptomatic neurosyphilis | babassu oil | backyard flocks | backyard gardens | backyard rearing | bacterial arthritis | bacterial food-borne intoxication | bacterial intestinal infection | bacterial meningitis | badian | baking powder | endemic nephropathy | baloon angioplasty | balsam of tolu | banana oil | bartonellosis | basic quinine sulfate | basilar artery | BCG vaccine | bee | wafer | waffle | waiter | waitress | walking leaf | wallaby | wallflower | walrus | warm | washing-up | washing-up liquid | washing-up water | waste food | water beetle | water bisquit | water boatman | yeasty | yellow wax | yo-yo dieting | yo-yo syndrome | yoghourt | yoghurt | yogurt | yorkshire pudding | yorkshire terrier | yucca | yummy | zebra | zinnia | zwieback | barley malt | bee familie | bee population | bee products | bee venom | bee-keeping | beef breed | beef bulls | beef herd | Beef production | beet red | behavioural traits | Behcet's disease | Belgian breed | Belgian Landrace | benign mammary dysplasia | benign neoplasm | benign neoplasm of the breast | benign neoplasms of skin | soft tissue of retroperitoneum and peritoneum | benzalcetic acid | benzaldehyde | benzaldehyde green | benzenecarboxylic acid | benzenemethanethiol | benzoate of soda | benzoic acid | benzoic acid methyl | benzoic aldehyde | benzoin | benzoin resin | benzoinam | benzophenone | benzosulfimide | benzothiadiazine derivatives | benzoylbenzene | benzoylfonic imide | benzyl alcohol | benzyl cinnamate | benzyl mercaptan | benzyl propionate | benzyl salicylate | benzyl thiol | bergamol | beriberi | Best Linear Unbiased Prediction {BLUP} - Animal Model method | betanine |
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