Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

darbepoetin alfa {DPO} | Hemodialysis Filtration {HDF} | transferrin saturation {TRAT} | Direct Antiglobulin Test {DAT} | homing to different tissues | extramedullary tumor mass | intamedullary tumor mass | tumor mass | estimation of normal and malignant plasma cells antigens expression | malignant plasma cells antigens | myeloma cells fenotype | High Dose Chemotherapy {HDT} | growth factor {GF} | Bell-bind | Old woman | fibre antioxidants | Aspergillus flavus; A. paracitucus (fungi) | Fusarium verticillioides; F. prolifertum. (fungi) | Stinging nettle | Belladonna | Lungwort, common | Jerusalem cowslip | Honey plant | Lemon balm | Sweet balm | Cure all | Thousand-leaf | Nosebleed | Millefoil | Black alder | Berry-bearing alder | Hurt sickle | Cornflower | Bluebottle | Blue knapweed | Blue bonnet | Haymaids | Ground-Ivy | Gill-go-over-the-ground | Benth | Lilac | Common lilac | Pipperidge-bush | Piperidge | Berberidis | Sweet basil | binding agents | hepatoxicity | Accuracy of laboratory measurements | Nettle | Priest's crown | Milk gowan | Dandelion root | Blowball | Yarrow | Milfoil | Baby foods | Beluga | Best before | Buttermilk | Butyric acid | Bentonite | Black currant | Birdlime mistletoe | Blue gum tree | Bile | Bile salts / bile acids | Biliverdin / biliverdine | Biological Value {BV} | Bird's nest soup | Blinis | Bobby veal | Borscht (borsch, borshch) | Botulism | Bran | Brioche | aflatoxicosis | aflatoxin residues | Albumin index | alkaloids | Allinson bread | Amaretto | Aminopeptidase | Aminotransferase | Antigen | Apple brandy | Arak | Armagnac | Artichoke, globe | Aspartame | Aleurite | Angle of internal friction | Aquiferous layer | aquifuge | Atterberg limits | Cementation | Clay | Coarse analysis | Coarse sand | coarse soils-sands | Cobbles | Campden tablets | Canbra oil | Cane sugar | Caviar(e) | Chalva / halva | Chapatti | Chow mein | Citronella | Clabbered milk | Clementine | Cocarcinogen | Cod liver oil | Coffee Irish | Cognac | Cointreau | Coleslaw | Colza oil | Condiments | Convenience foods | Crepe suzette | Croutons | Cumberland sauce | Curaçao | Cynar | Emetic | Epsom salts | Fasolada | Fino | Daisy | Valerian | Setwall | Convalaria | Hedge hyssop | Ovine mammary epithelial cells ({OME cells} | OME cells, Ovine mammary epithelial cells {OME) | Totipotential cell | Honeysucle | Water-elder | Weeping ash | Blackberry | Common ash | European ash | Common Ash, European Ash | Mistletoe | European mistletoe | Mouse-ear hawkweed | Hawkweed | Deadnettle, white | Degree of decomposition of peat | Degree of saturation | Deluvial soil | Density bottle | Density od solid particles-ASTM | Density of dry soil - ASTM | Density of saturated soil | Density of soil - ASTM | density test in mercury | Differential thermal | Differential thermal analysis device | Diffuse double layer | Disturbed sample | Drawing of samples | Drilling fluid | Dry density - BS | DTG-curve, differential thermogravimetric curve | dynamic viscosity | Effective angle of internal friction | Effective cohesion | Effective grain size | Effective normal stress | Effective porosity | Elastic sediments | Elastic strain | Electric double layer | Electrochemical method of soil stabilization | Electronomicroscope analysis | Eluvium | embankment soils | Engineering geology | Environmental science | Exchange complex | extra-sensitive clays | Fat clay | Favourable soil-mixture | Field test | Fill | Fine sand | Fine-grained soils - ASTM | Fissuring | Flocculation | Fly-ash | Free surface of water | Free swell | Fulvic acids | Gaseous phasc od soil | Glacial clay | grading-size curve | Grain-size | Grain-size, particle-size |
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