Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

antimetastatic marker | lymph nodes metastasis | histamine release test  | gating  | aeroallergens  | visceral total inversion  | bilobectomy  | combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema {CPFE} | pulmonary hypertension | secondary erythrocytosis | erythrocytosis | basal crackles | hypocapnia | ground glass changes | Ca-blocker | chronic respiratory failure | honey—combing | anaphylactic reactions | triple therapy | indacaterol  | hyperaminoacidemia | palmar hereditary erythema | carbohydrate load | large neutral amino acid {LNAA} | carbohydrate consumption | hyperinsulinemia | peripheral glucose uptake (PGU) | hepatic glucose production (HGP) | house dust mites  | cardiovascular complications  | Epworth score  | primary lung cancer | multibacterial colonization | multi-drug-resistant strains | lincosamides | streptogramins B | nicotine dependence | smoking-related diseases | motivation to quit test | pack years | vascular calcification  | cardiovascular mortality  | airway remodeling | bronchial hyper-responsiveness | basement membrane thickness | bronchial challenge with methacholin | fiberoptic bronchoscopy | reticular basement membrane | light microscope | bloody parapneumonic effusion | decortication | spontaneous hemothorax | parapneumonic effusion | mediastinal window | Langerhans cell sarcoma | bronchoesophageal fistula | Langerhans cell histiocytosis | malignant histiocytosis X | Birbeck granule | rough endoplasmic reticulum {RER} | coronal plane | multivariate analysis | stabilized fibrin degradation  | risk of recurrence  | multidrug-resistant tuberculosis {MDR-TB} | extensively drug resistant tuberculosis | induced sputum | chronic inflammatory airway diseases  | general practitioner | pulmonologist  | leprosy | colliquative tuberculosis focus | colliquative tuberculosis | nucleic acid amplification | oligomycobacterial material | submandibular area | submandibular lymphatic nodes | tubercular granulation | giant Lanhgans like cells | intercalation  | extradural anaesthesia  | nongenomic action | genomic action | gluco-corticoid receptor | dose-effect dependencydependency | lung microangiopathy | metabolic disorder | impaired insulin secretion | alveolar-capillary barrier | alveolocapillary barrier | alveolo-capillary barrier | lung diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide | hypersensitivity reactions | aspirin-induced asthma | aspirin intolerance | exposure to passive smoking | lacrymation | peripheral blood cells  | antimycobacterial antibodies  | shadowing | ophthalmological examination | neurofibromatosis type 1 | von Recklinghausen\'s disease | nongenomic effects of glucocorticoids | arachidonic acid cascade | arachidonic acid metabolism | endocannabinoid synthesis | carbonyl | hydrocortisone | hip adductor | pubic ligament | expander | chow | diffuse infantile familial sclerosis | visceral adiposity | pituitary adiposity | suckling | multiorgan symptoms of disease  | constitutive genetic profiles  | skin triceps fold thickness  | alopecia in women | toxic alopecia | diffuse | disseminated alopecia | lanugo hair | stellate hair | beneficial | outpatients specialist care | outpatients clinics visits | exertional dyspnoea | outpatients care | nontuberculous mycobacteria | mycolic acid | high pressure liquid chromatography | early detection | program of early detection | screening program | low-dose spiral computed tomography | lobectomy | wedge resection | tuberculoma | preliminary results | mediastinal lymphadenectomy | sputum production | wheezing | complications of venous thrombosis | chest ultrasound | compression ultrasound | convex head | echoic reflexions | signs of mobility | echoic pulmonary parenchyma | hypoechoic area | subpleural foci | pulmonary parenchymal infarct | contrast-enhanced computed tomography | segmental arteries | atypical microorganism infections  | clinical course of asthma | chronic lung diseases | stable asthma | predictor of the lung’s remodeling | airways’ remodeling | psychological variables | chronic respiratory system diseases  | obstructive diseases  | limb edema  | gestational oedema  | splanchnic  | overall assessment | bronchial tree obstruction | total exposure to cigarette smoke | spirometric abnormalities | St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire | weight loss | predictive values | prognostic values | cancer markers | inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer | non-small-cell lung cancer | performance status | neuron specific enolase | neuronal enolase | chronic respiratory system diseases | effect size  | granules | granules for oral solution | gastro-resistant granules  | effervescent granules  | prolonged release granules  | medical history | underdiagnosis  | detectability  | screening spirometry  | anti-asthmatic medication  | inhalation glucocorticoids  | oral glucocorticoids  | parenteral glucocorticoids  | Abnormal weight loss | Post Holiday Tension {PHT} |
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