Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

no clinical data | noble half-blood horses | noble horses | non-clinical models | non-clinical studies | non-Hodgkin's lymphoma | non-specific | non-specific defence | non-specific mechanism | non-specific pathways | non-stimulated cells | non-swarming | motor neuron development {MND} | normal potassium pyrophosphate | normal range | notable | Novel molecular targets of therapy | Nubian breed | nucleus bilobed | nucleus divided into lobes | nucleus transplantation method | Number of patients | odontoid | oetylacetic acid | oil of citronella | oil of clove | oil of cumin | oil of dill | oil of ginger | oil of hops | oil of palm christi | oil of rose | oil of sage | oil of sassafras | oil of Scotch fir | oil of wintergreen | oil yellow | olibanium oil | oligo-secretory disease | oncogenes | oocyte | optimal specific immune reponse | oral anti-diabetic medication | oral hypoglycaemic agents | oral mucosal petechiae | orange {GGN} | orange {RN} | orchard | organ | organic fertilisers | organic changes | organic production | value | value of commercial production | genetic value | genetic variance | variation | variety | vascular anomaly | vascular disorders | vegetable pepsin | vegetation control | vegetation season | velvet | Vendace | Ventricular premature beat {VPB} | vertebral collapse | very common | very poor soils | very rare | veterinary prophylaxis | vigilance | vinca alkaloids | vinegar naphta | virilism | virus-infected cells | voivodeship | waste products | wastes | weekly for four out of five weeks | weight of slaughter animal | Welsh Black | white | whitefish | wild species | wildlife biodiversity | Willis' circle | wintergreen essential oil | wintergreen oil | wood charcoal | wool | wool sale | work | world market of animal products | xenograft models | xenotransplantation | yellow marrow inactive | yield of fat | bittering agent | bixin | Black and White breed | black bee | Black Bee breed | black PN | bleaching agent | blepharitis | blister strip | blood clot | blood groups | blood level determination | blood urea clearens | blood vessel | bluetongue | boar evaluation based on after-slaughter appraisal of their progeny | body frame | body of incus | body of the pancreas | body of vertebra | bodying agent | bois de rose | bois de rose oil | bone cyst | bone disorders | bone hypertrophy | bones of skull and face | border of the tongue | B cell activation | B lymphocytes | B lymphopoiesis | bacterial products | bacterium, bacteria | bagder | balsam of Peru | baseline characteristic | baseline evaluation | behavioural predictors | Bence-Jones protein | benefit | benzalacetic acid | beta-karotene | beta-mercaptoalanine | beta-phenylacrylic acid | bicalcic phosphate {E341b} | bicalcium phosphate {E341b} | bilobed organ | biological pathways | biopsy | bipolar spectrum disorders | bitter almond oil | black | black cutch extract | blood amylase increased | Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders | blood creatinine increased, | blood filtration | blood lactate dehydrogenase increased | blood pool | blood-borne antigen | body image | body mass deficiency | boletic acid {E297} | bolus infusion | bone disease | bone formation process | bone marrow aspirate | bone marrow microenvironment | bone marrow plasmacytosis | bone marrow reserve | bone marrow stromal cells | bone metabolism | bone resorption marker | bone tissue microarchitecture | bout of the disease | brain derived neurotrophic factor {BDNF} | brain dysfunction | brain lesion | aawn | abandoned land | abattoir | abattoir facility | abb | abberation | abcission | abcission period | abdominal appendages | abdominal fetation | abdominal foetation | abdominal gestation | abdominal respiration | abducent | abductor muscle | Aberdeen-Angus | aberrant NF-?B signalling | aberration amplitude | aberration chromosomal | abiding | ability to cope | abiogenesis | abiogenetic | abioseston |
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