Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

visual analogue scale {VAS} | Ziehen-Oppenheim disease | template | template RNA | remove | stripping of veins | scar | hump | worry | environmentalist | aspirin | transparent | flood sediments | granulometry | labia | modal value | recumbent | taphocenose | double blind trial | carpel | bract | stamen | pollination | intoxicate | buccal | phagocyte | embryology | protein isolates | mayonnaise | sleigh | adjustable | titrimetric | ethnic | pulse pressure | prime | pinpoint | fleeting | invariably | interrelate | hostile | vociferous | abrupt | explicit | reboot | outbreak | antilithic | sheat | clan | clank | penile | typhoid | taxon | podocyte | reserpine | differ | vein | rebuild | recover | resist | develop | slow release drug | pimple | chilitis | dogotherapy | splint | mitochondria | endovenous | tidal | geothermal | plume | counterion | tool | grapevine | mule | forage | request | linitis | plastic linitis | epigastric | palpable | imply | particularly | retardant | flame retardant | suburbia | lick | multicellular | PhD | array | reagent | cuban | set | acellular pertussis vaccines | bordetella pertussis | haematemesis | fimbrial agglutinogens {RMs} | absolute concentrations range | absorbent material for blotting tubes | acid chromatography | acid-column chromatography | amino acid residue peptide | anti-coated tubes | binding proteins | biosafety level | bovine serum albumin {BSA} | cross-reactivity antiserum | cristalline substance | decantation | deionized water | ethanol precipitation | fetal life | gamma counter | acid gel chromatography | growth-related disorders | hemolysed specimens | high dose hook | homogeneous mixture of the reagents | immunoradiometric assay | interspecies serum comparison | Laron dwarfism | linearity of dilution | lipemic specimens | log-log graph paper | lyophilized | mitogenic and metabolic actions | mucous membranes | neonatal life | non-extraction assay | non-ionic detergent | non-reactive sera | peptide hormones | peripheral circulation | pituitary | plasma | plasma level | polypeptide | post-translational modification | potential biohazardous material | predilution of plasma samples | predilution of serum samples | prohormone | pro-insulin | radioactive waste receptacle | radiolabeled | repeating pipette to deliver | sample diluent | sample dilution | sponge rack | standard curve | structurally homologous | test tube rack | two-site immunoradiometric assay {IRMA} | vial | voxtering | video-assisted thoraco surgery {VATS} | corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide | thyrotropin-releasing hormone {TRH} | gonadotropin-releasing hormone {GnRH} | thyroxine binding hormone {TBH} | salt-losing nephritis | extracellular fluid {ECF} | syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion {SIADH} | apparent mineralokorticoid excess | milk-alcali syndrome | renal tubular acidosis {RTA} | ALAdehydrastase deficient porfiria {ADP} | hepatoerythropoiethic porphyria | low dose estrogen supplementation | well-established method | fetal systemic inflammatory response | gestational hypertension | cervical erosion | self examination | tumour markers | semen | in vitro fertilization | computer assisted semen analysis {CASA} | intracytoplasmic sperm injection | intracytoplasmic sperm injection {ICSI} | microsurgical epidydymal sperm aspiration {MESA} | testicular sperm extraction {TESE} | preimplantation genetic diagnosis {PGD} | perinatal care | preterm labour | elevated liver function test | low platelet count | peripheral resistance | polyhydramnion | diabetic pregnancy | hormonal contraception | intrauterine levonorgestrel releasing system - Mirena | early vascular changes | intima-media thickness | older age | pathophysiology of hypertension | hypotensive therapy | hypotensive drugs | graduated compression stockings | intermittent compression devices | secondary profilaxis |
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