Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

biacetyl | bicornate uterus | biliary tract | bio-fuel production | biodiversity of wild species | biological diversity | Biotechnology of Reproduction | biphenyl {E230} | birch sweet oil | birch tar oil | birth injuries | bis (2 ethylhexyl) sodium sulfosuccinate | cadaver | cadaveric | cage | cage rearing technology | calves | camphol | canned ham | caprine arthritis/ encephalitis | caprine/ ovine brucellosis | carboxybenzene | carcass quality | Carnica breed | carnivorous animals | carnivorous fur animals | carnivorous fur animals husbandry | Carp breeding | carriage contests | cattle herd | cattle producers | cattle products | Caucasian breed | cayenne linaloe oil | cera flava | cereals | Charolais | chemical leavener | chemical leavering agent | ciclosporin | cinnamein | classical equestrian sport disciplines | Classical swine fever {CSV} | clearance | climate and weather conditions | clinical assessment | clinical condition of the patient | clinical experience | clinical practice | cloning of farm animals | co-operative sector | coat colour | cohort studies | cold-blooded horses | cold-blooded mares | colour varieties (fur animals) | colourless | commercial chicken boilers | commercial chicken crossbreds | commercial companies | commercial crossbreds | commercial crossbreds of ducks | commercial crossing | commercial nestlings | Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of FAO | common fox | de-icing | death's head hawk-moth | decaf | decaffeinated | decant | decanter | decapod | decay | decayed | decaying | decoction | deep-fried | deep-frozen | deep-fry | deep-litter floor | deep-sea | deer | degradated set-aside lands | degree | dehydrated alcohol | deli | delicatessen | delicious | delivery transport | demand | demand feeding | demerara (sugar) | denature | dense | density | deodorant | deoxidize | deposit | dermis | desalinate | desalination | desalt | deseed | desert lynx | gander | gelded horse | genetic bovine defects | genetic constructs regulating growth | genetic diversity | genetic improvement programme | genetic material | genetic progress | genetic reserve herds | genetic resources | genotypes of milk protein | gentle temper | gentleness | gilt | gingival hyperplasia | glanders | global yearly production | goat dairy products | goat husbandry | goat milk | goat population | goat products | goats | good adaptation | good milk performance | insuline-like growth factor I {IGF-I} | Certificated Reference Material {CRM} | Certification Body {CB} | Client Oriented Processes {COP} | Code of Conduct and Ethics {CCE} | Committee Draft {CD} | Computer Integrated Quality Management {CIQ} | Continuous Improvement {CI} | Continuous Improvement Cycle {CIC} | Continuous Process Control {CPC} | Cost Poor Quality {COPQ} | Critical Incident Technique {CIT} | Critical Path Metod {CPM} | Draft for Development (w BS) {DD} | Effective Client Services {ECS} | Electromagnetic Compatibility {CCA-EMC CCA} | Environment, Health and Safety {EH&S} | Environmental Labelling {EL} | Environmental Management and Auditing System {EMAS} | Europe - Norm {EN} | European Accreditation of Certification {EAC} | European Article Numbering {EAN} | European Cooperation for Accreditation {EA} | European Economic Area {EEA} | European Performance Satisfaction Index {EPSI} | Event Tree Analysis {ETA} | Failure (Fault) Modes and Effects Analysis {FMEA} | Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis {FMECA} | Fault Tree Analysis {FTA} | Final DIS {FDIS} | Fitness for Purpose {FFP} | Good Experimental Practice {GEP} | Good Hygienic Practice {GHP} | Good Laboratory Practice {GLP} | Good Manufacturing Practice {GMP} | Group States Selection {GSS} | Hazard and Operability Studies {HAZOP} | Human Resources Management {HRM} | IEC Quality Assessment for Electronic Components {IECQ} | IEC System for Conformity Testing to Standards for Safety of Electrical Equipment {IECEE} | Integrated Management System {IMS} | Integration Quality Management {IQM} | Internal System Constant Assessment Monitoring {ISCAM} | Joint Audit Group {JAG} | Logistic Function Deployment {LFD} | Occupation Safety and Health Administration {OSHA} | freeze lundair - freezer | Agricultural Statistical Yearbook | dock | dodder | dog rose | dogtooth violet | dolmades | dolphin | domain | domestic agricultural production | domestic animal husbandry | domestic breeding material | domestic material | domestic production | farinaceous | Farm Animal Biodiversity | farm animal genetic resources | farm animal species | farm waste | farm-produced grains | farming efficiency | farming system | farmyard | farmyard chicken |
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