Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

gene conversion and mitotic recombination {mrc} | genetically sensitive | genus Orthopoxvirus | Geriatric Depression Scale {GDS} | glucose diacetate | glucose pentanitrate | Goldberg Depression Scale | grape sugar | guinea pig {GPG} | Haemophilus influenzae {HMI} | heat shock proteins {hsp; hsp90, hsp70 i hsp27} | heat stress proteins | HeLa cell {HLA} | heritable translocation test {trn} | hexaoxodisulfuric acid | high-efficiency liquid chromatography {HELC} | high-performance liquid chromatography {HPLC} | high-pressure liquid chromatography {HPLC} | high-speed liquid chromatography {HSLC} | honey sugar | horse, donkey {HOR} | hot flushes | House of Quality {HQ} | Human {HMN} | human foeto protein {AFP} | hyaline cartilage | hyaluronic acid | hydrophobic interaction chromatography | hyposulfuric acid | hyposulfurous acid | hypothalamic gonadotropin | immunoelectrophoresis {IE} | insulin-like | interleukin {IL} | international unit {IU} | intravenous infusion | irreversible | irritating agents | ISO Committee on Conformity Assessment {ISO|CASCO} | Just in Time {JIT} | keratan sulphate | kilogram {KG} | Lean Management {LM} | Lean Manufacture {LM} | lethal concentration 50 percent kill {LC50} | ligand-exchange chromatography {LEC} | liquid column chromatography {LCC} | liquid-gel chromatography {LGC} | liquid-liquid chromatography {LLC} | lowest published lethal concentration {LCLo} | lowest published lethal dose {LDLo} | lowest published toxic concentration {TCLo} | lowest published toxic dose {TDLo} | lymphocyte | mammal (species unspecified) {MAM} | mammary gland {MMR} | mankind | menopause | metal affinity chromatography | methylsulfuric acid | microcircular chromatography | microgram {UG} | micronucleus test {mnt} | microsomal mutagenicity assay {MMA} | mild irritation effects {MLD} | milligram {MG} | million particles per cubic foot {mppcf} | moderate irritation effects {MOD} | molecular-sieve chromatography {MSC} | Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale {MADRS} | mortality rates | multiple routes {mul} | muscle tension | mutation in mammalian somatic cells {msc} | mutation in microorganisms {MMO} | nandroloni decanoate | nanogram {ng} | National Institute of Standards and Technology {NIST} | neodecanoic acid | neuroendocrine cells | neuroendocrine mechanisms | neuroendocrine secretion | Neurospora crassa {nsc} | nitrosylsulfuric | nitrosylsulfuric acid | nitrylsulfuric acid | No Observed Adverse Effect Level {NOAEL} | noncollagenous proteins | non-dippers | non-mammalian species {nml} | non-sulfur | not available {n/ a} | obturation | oleum | oligodendrocytes | oncogenic transformation {otr} | open irritation test {open} | orphan drug | orthopoxvirus | orthopoxvirus - genetically sensitive host system | other cell types {oth} | other fish {ofs} | other insects {oin} | other microorganisms {omi} | other mutation test systems {oms} | Other Regulated Material (DoT) {ORM} | oxiranylmethyl ester | oxygen perfusion | paired-ion chromatography | paper chromatography | partition chromatography | parts per billion {ppb} | parts per hundred (percent) {pph} | parts per million {ppm} | parts per trillion {ppt} | pathological changes | peak concentration {Pk} | pentaacetyl glucose | per diem | perfusion chromatography | permeation chromatography | peroxodisulfuric acid | peroxomonosulfuric acid | peroxymonosulfuric acid | persulfuric acid | phage inhibition capacity {pic} | Pharmacology Inspection Convention {PIC} | phenylmercuric | Physical Self Maintenance Scale {PSMS} | placebo-controlled clinical study | poor oxygenation | pox | prefilled syringe | pre-menstrual syndrome {PMS} | preparative-scale gas chromatography | progressive disease course | protease | protein domain | protein plastic | proteoglycans | Psychogeriatric Assessment Scales {PAS} | pulmonary activity coefficients | pyrosulfuric acid | Quality Circle {QC} | Quality Control {QC} | Quality Loss Function {QLF} | Quality of Working Life {QWL} | Quality, Dependability, Statistics {QDS} | radial chromatography | radial development | radial paper chromatography | radiochromatography | Rapid Eye Movement {REM} | renal failure {CRF} | retrospecive studies | reversed-phase partition chromatography | {RID} | ring chromatography | rinsed with water {rns} | Salmonella typhimurium {sat} | Schizosaccharomyces pombe {ssp} | sector paper chromatography | semi-stall rearing | serotonergic mechanisms | severe irritation effects {SEV} | sex chromosome loss and nondisjunction {sln} | short term exposure limit {STEL} | Simultaneous Engineering {SE} | Single Minute Exchange of Dies {SMED} | sister chromatic exchange {sce} | slaughter cattle | solution adsorption chromatography | specific locus test {slt} | sperm morphology {spm} | stable dose | Statistical Process Control {SPC} | Statistical Quality Control {SQC} | Strategic Action Group on the Environment {SAGE} | sulfethylic acid | sulfide dyestuff | sulfur dye | sulfuric | sulfuric acid, tetraoxosulfuric(VI) acid | sulfurous acid | supra-orbital margin | tenascin | thiosulfuric acid | Threshold Limit Value {TLV} | Time Based Process Mapping {TBPM} | time weighted average {TWA} | Total Productivity Maintenance {TPM} | Total Quality {TQ} | Total Quality Control {TQC} | Total Quality Improvement {TQI} | Total Quality Management {TQM} | tower acid | toxic concentration (other than lowest concentration) {TC} | toxic dose (other than lowest toxic dose) {TD} | transforming growth factor {TGF} | Transition Dyspnea Index {TDI} |
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