Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

professional qualification | profile of disturbances | progression | progression of neuropathy | progressive disease | progressive osteolytic bone destruction | proliferative glomerulonephritis | propolis | proteasome catalytic activities (trypsin-like and post-glutamyl activities) | protection of wild species | protein aggregates | protein components | protein function | Protein Substrate | proteins marked with a poly-ubiquitin chain | proteins regulated by proteasome degradation | proteins targeted for degradation | public sector | pulmonary congestion | purchase | pure Arabian horses | purity | purple salt | Scotch pine oil | Scots pine oil | seizures | self-governmental organizations | semi-industrial scale | sensory automatism | sensory latency | sensory peripheral neuropathy | Serious Adverse Events {SAEs} | serum M protein | serum sickness- type reaction | severe constipation with ileus | severe hepatic impairment | severe neuropathy | Severity of Peripheral Neuropathy | sex | sex gland | sexual transmitted diseases | share of individual farms | sheep farming | sheep flock | Sheep grazing | sheep husbandry | sheep population | sheep products | shoe | short amino acid sequences | short lived | signalling pathways | significant predictor | Signs and Symptoms | single arm studies | sinus arrest | site of lymphopoiesis | Site of T lymphocyte "education" | skeleton | skeleton deformations | small farms | small farmyard flock | social development | social functioning | social phenomena | sodium potassium tartrate | soft neurological signs | solid tumours | solubility | solution | somatic complications | somatic illness | special care | special populations | species | specific acquired Immunity | specific antibody | specific E3 enzymes | specific immune response | specific memory cells | specific surface receptors | spectrophotometer | spectrum of autistic disorders | specific epilepsy syndromes | speech therapist | spinal denervation | spleen | artificial gait | stabilised renal function | stable | stable downward trend | stage of disease | stages of pre-implantation development | state financial support | stearic acid calcium salt | stearic acid potassium salt | steroids | stigmatisation | strategy for drug development | strengths and weaknesses | stress response factors | stringent criteria | structural formula | structural unemployment | structure of the 26S proteasome | subclasses | subclavicular vessels | subsequent exposure | subsequent regimen | substrate of cytochrome | sugar | suicide attempt | suicide risk | suicide risk factor | suppression of adhesion | Suppressor cells | surplus | surpluses | surrounding bone | survival time | symptomatic | symptomatic multiple myeloma | symptomatology and safety | symptoms of heart failure | symptoms resolved | syncopal events | hectolitre/ hectoliter (US) | hektogram(me) | hematopoietic system | hemifacial spasm | hemoglobin level | hen | hepatic failure | hepatic insufficiency | herb | herb/ herbal tea | herbivore | herbivorous | herring | high blood pressure | high total cholesterol | hip | hitherto | home baked bread/ cake | home brew | home cooking | homogenize | honeycomb | honeysuckle | hormonal contraceptives | Hormonal Replacement Therapy {HRT} | hormone analysis | hors-d'oeuvre | horseradish sauce | hospitalization costs | hot pepper | hot/ mild curry | house white | housewares | human breast milk | human cloning | human ecology | human environment | human immundeficiency virus {HIV} | human insulin {hINS} | human prolactin {hPRL} | humidity | hunger | hungry | hydroxylation | hypaesthesia | hyperaldosteronism | hyperprolactynemia | hypoglycemia | hypoglycemic agents | hyponatraemia | hypothyroidism | health and quality of life {hql} | healthcare | hectare | hepatic impairment | herbivorous animals | HIV infection syndrome | honey | horse-riding | hybrid material | hybrids | hearing impairment | heavy chain | hemicellulose | hepatic haemorrhage | heterogeneous | high affinity | histological estimation | hop extract | hop oil | hop tannin | hops oil | hormonal disturbances | hospitalisation |
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