Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

Cell-mediated lympholysis {CML} | Chronic rejection episode {CRE} | Induced regulatory T cells {iTregs} | Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor {KIR} | Pattern recognition receptor {PRR} | T helper {Th} | T cytotoxic {Tc} | cluster of differentiation {CD} | cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 {CTLA-4} | immunologically competent cells | proinflammatory cytokin | anti-inflammatory cytokine | immunomodulatory factor  | Primary pulmonary hipertension {PPH} | Lymphocyte trafficking control  | lymphocyte trafficking | Chemotactic migration  | costimulatory molecule expression  | Creatine phosphokinase {CPK} | nonobese diabetic mouse {NOD} | macrophage deactivating factors | Endothelial NOS {eNOS} | nuclear factor κB {NFxB} | leukocyte trafficking  | compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrom {CARS} | myelin sheath | encephalitogenic T cells | oligodendrocyte precursor cells {OPCs} | cutaneous anaphylaxis  | delayed-type hypersensitivity {DTH} | DDS-induced colitis | dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor {DNET}{DNT} | primitive neuroepithelial tumors | cerebellar granule cells {CGC} | pigment epithelium derived factor {PEDF}  | retina pigment epithelium {RPE}  | middle cerebral artery occlusion  | nigrostriatal neurons  | permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion {pMCAO} | stress-activated protein kinase {SAPK} | c-Jun N-terminal kinases {JNK} | fetal alcohol syndrome {FAS}  | multiple organ dysfunction syndrome {MODS} | inducible nitric oxide synthase {iNOS} | superior cervical ganglion {SCG} | native peptyde | contact sensitivity {CS} reaction  | T suppressor {Ts} cells | Toll-like receptor {TLR} ligands | delayed type hypersensitivity {DTH} | Langerhans cells {LC} | pathogen associated molecular patterns {PAMPs} | glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor {GDNF}  | ciliary neurotrophic factor {CTNF}  | spontaneously hypertensive rats {SHR} | neglect induced heath {NID} | Bcl-2 antagonist killer 1 {Bak} | Bcl-2-associated protein X {Bax} | B-cell leukemia/ lymphoma-2 {Bcl-2} | B-cell lymphoma-extra large {Bcl-xL} | BH3 interacting domain death antagonist {Bid} | Bcl-2 interacting mediator of cell heath {Bim} | Bcl-2-related ovarian killer {Bok} | cytotoxic lymphocyte {CTL } | Granzyme A {GZMA} | c-Jun N-terminal kinase {JNK} | signal transduced and activator of transcription 5 {STAT-5} | TNFR associated death domain-containing protein {TRADD} | TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand-receptor {TRAIL} | p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis {PUMA} | Gastric emptying scintigraphy | Likert scale | test-retest reliability | gastric accommodation  | gastric antrum | functional dyspepsia | transrectal ultrasound {TRUS} | alexithymia | The Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations {CISS} | anorectal angle | pelvic floor dysfunction | lactulose breath test | disordered N-terminal domain  | Photoaffinity labelling  | Rhodopsin-like receptors | synaptic bud | rectoanal inhibitory reflex {RAIR} | neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus {NPSLE} | postprandial fullness  | acute gastric dilatation | food regurgitation  | diffuse oesophageal spasm | non cardiac chest pain {NCCP} | transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations {TLESRs} | cricopharyngeal muscle | intrabolus pressure | retrosternal pain | esophagogastric junction {EGJ} | gastric fluoroscopic examination | high residue diet  | anal verge  | internal anal sphincter | Colonic transit time | ideal body weight {IBW} | stool softeners | Rectal compliance  | Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis {IHPS} | binge eating dsorder {BED} | nutritional rehabilitation | Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication  | Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome {CCHS} | Iron-deficiency anaemia  | iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia {IRIDA} | Thymus- and activation- regulated chemokine {TARC} | dementia with Lewy bodies {DLB} | digital rectal examination {DRE} | endophenotype  | quantification  | radiopaque marker  | Monocyte-derived chemokine {MDC} | bronchial hyperreactivity  | activity-dependent neurotrophic factor, {ADNF} | cerebral ischemia. niedokrwienie (ischemia) mózgu | Ischemia-induced changes | endogenous neuroprotective substances endogennych substancji neuroprotekcyjnych | endogenous neuroprotective substances | pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP)  | pleiotropic biological activity | intracellular pathways  | functional and manometric evaluation | half emptying time {T1/ 2} | keyhole limpet hemocyanin {KLH} | lymph node cells {LNC} | obstructive defecation | Paget-Schrötter syndrome | protease nexin-1/ glia-derived nexin {PN-1/ GDN} | FLICE inhibitory protein {cFLIP} | Chronic Idiopathic Constipation {CIC} | Synoptophore  | Interpupillary distance {IPD) | Pupillary Distance {PD} | dermatitis herpetiformis {DH} | autoimmune blistering subepidermal dermatosis | abnormal retinal correspondence | orthoptic exercise | fusional vergence  | spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 {SCA2} | amblyopic eye | after-image | vestibulo-ocular reflex {VOR} | optokinetic reflex {OKR} | excitatory burst neurons {EBN} | paramedian pontine reticular formation {PPRF} | inhibitory burst neurons {IBN} | wall-eyed bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia {WEBINO} | interstitial nucleus of Cajal {INC} | gaze-evoked nystagmus | nucleus raphe interpositus {RIP} | medial superior temporal visual area {MST} | frontal eye field {FEF} | dorsolateral pontine nucleus {DLPN} | epidermal transglutaminase | gluten-sensitive enteropathy | elbow crutches | gender identity disorder {GID} | contraction stress test {CST} | adjunctive treatment | aged | discharge summary  | female | lipid profile | lymphocytes {Ly} | recommendations | 24 hour urine  | Urine sediments (microsc.) | blood count | magnetic resonance imaging {MRI} | Abdominal diagnostics | Acid-base homeostasis | Admitted to the hospital on: | Analysis of variance | Basocyte | Blood platelets | CBC with WBC differential | Chief of the Ward | Co-morbidities | Continuous infusion 24 h | Culture for aerobic bacteria | Discharged from the hospital | easy digestible food | End of test | registration is obligatory on the visit day | Eosinocyte | Examination description | Final clinical diagnosis | Follow-up examination | Hearing screening card | Hematocrit | Histopathological diagnose | Hospital emergency department |
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