Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

multidetector/ spiral computed tomography | thrombolisis | non-massive pulmonary embolism | pancreatic | acute diarrhea | latent | latent autoimmune diabetes of the adults | latent autoimmune diabetes mellitus in adults {LADA} | teniasis | pharmacologic therapy | drug induced "rebound"headache | chronic paroxysmal hemicrania {CHP} | hypnic headache | therapy of vertigo | new antiepileptic drugs | ischemic brain stroke | suplementation therapy | phytotherapy | glucosamine | late diagnosis | reversible component | shortening of hospital stay | inhaled drug | bacterial exacerbation | progressing degeneration | periodic patient's immobilisation | fluorochinolones | moxifloxacin | gas exchange abnormalities | mechanical ventilation | inhalation therapy | metered dose inhaler | breath actuated devices | respiratory tuberculosis | sputum test | DOTS strategy - directly observed treatment short-course | beta-lactams | clinical syndrome | mixed infections | bronchoscopy | endobronchial biopsy {EBB} | transbronchial needle aspiration {TBNA} | hyperresponsiveness | bronchectases | collagen deposition | high resolution computer tomography {HRCT} | beta2-mimetics | life threatening | antihistaminic drugs | dandruff | narrowband UVB {NBUVB} | over-all treatment | dermatitis perioralis | rosacea disseminata | rosacea conglobata | rosacea fulminans | rosacea granulomatosa vel lupoides | icterus | lichen planus Wilsoni | mixed cryglobulinemia {MC} | papular purpuric gloves and socks syndrome | strie distense | hirsutismus | xanthelasma | skin disorders of autoimmunological origin | eye complications | pemphigoid circatrisans | lichen planus | lichen ruber planus | pneumonia anthracis | antifugal drugs | ethiopathogenesis | oral treatment | clinical forms | therapy methods | cytokine switch | bacterial skin infections | extended spectrum beta-lactamases {ESBLs} | nongonococal urethritis {NGU} | genital ulcer disease | nonmelanoma skin cancers | precancerous skin lesions | morbus Bowen | aestehetic dermatology | vetricular arrhythmia | invasive treatment | ST segment elevation | GP IIb / IIIa blockers | glycoproteine IIb/ IIIa receptor inhibitors | cardiac patient | penetrating cardiac trauma | blunt cardiac trauma | myocardial rupture | investigative techniques | transesophageal echocardiography | aortography | conduction abnormalities | pulmonary perenchymatous pressure | acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema | noninvasive pressure support ventilation | ACE-inhibitors | hospital mortality | full hemodynamic monitoring | restrictive | non-invasive diagnosis methods of atherosclerosis | multi-arterial disease | peripheral artery disease {PAD} | not fully understood | symptomless | noncoronary artery disease {NCAD} | atherosclerotic diseases of aorta {ADA} | atherothrombotic cerebrovascular disease {ACD} | renal arterial hypertension {RAH} | fatty streak | oxygen demand | noncardiac surgery | cardiac risk factors | herbal drug | immunocorrective therapy of heart disease | autoimmune connective tissue disease | spondyloarthropathies | reactive arthritis | enteropathic arthritis | rheumatic syndromes | autoimmunization | tick-borne disease | chronic renal failure | MIA syndrome (malnutrition, inflammation and atherosclerosis) | progression of ilness | early nephrological care | spontanous headache | chronic tension headache | symptomatic headache | diagnostic procedures | nonsteroid inflammatory drugs / nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs | triptans | paroxysmal headache | extemporary | immune dysfunction | acute phase of ischemic stroke | intra-arterial | causative | statins | stroke prevention | statins-3 hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase nhibitors | HMG Co-A | unstable atheroma | endothelial function | fibrous cap | intercellular adhesion molecule-1 {ICAM-1} | vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 {VCAM-1} | macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 {MCP-1} | amyloid-beta peptide | neurofibrillary tangle | cholinesterase inhibitors | amyotropic lateral sclerosis {ASL} | causal and symptomatic treatment | lipoic acid | postherpetic neuropathy | stabilization of neuronal membranes | early and late seizures | head injury | post-traumatic epilepsy | severity of injury | not of value in predicting... | antiepileptic drug | principles | the second generation of antipsychotics | general medical practice | typical depression | subdepression | subdepressive state | general medicine | depression tratment | old age | prophylaxis | rapid cycling | mitochondrial, endoplasmic reticulum | psychoactive substance abuse | pharmacotherapy | subjective aspects | Mental Health Act | wound infections | newborn infections | multiresistant bacterial strains | surgical ward | neutropenic patient | gram-negative rods | antibiotic-resistance | most frquently occuring | strain relatedness | prevention of increasing resistance | quinolones | gyrase | anaerobic bacteria | empirical treatment | resistance to antibiotics | targeted antibacterial therapy | septic shock | life-threating ilness |
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