Archiwum hase³
polymerization shrinkage | kinetics of polymerization shrinkage | complete unilateral cleft lip | cephalometric examinations | morphology of the mandible | facial cranium | supernumerary teeth | displacement of the dental midline | delayed eruption | resorption of the roots of neighbouring teeth | disorder of odontogenesis | mesiodens | maculopapular rash | natural history of disease | trichology | prosthetics | parainfection | photodermatosis | pseudopodia | plantar wart | X-ray digital analysis | optical density | osteolytic changes | digital radiography | deep cervical cavity | shallow cavity | migratory stomatitis | oral psoriasis | intraoral models | classification of Moorrees Fanning and Hunt | intraocular lymphoma | macula | invasive tumour | axillary node | long-QT syndrome | crocodile tears syndrome | tropism | combustiology | convalescent | convalescent serum | acute phase serum | zygomatic arch | Antonovsky’s Sense of Coherence Scale | Moos Coping Test | mugwort | primary Raynaud’s phenomenon | secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon | capillaroscopic examination | nodular vasculitis | erythema nodosum of Whitfield | tender subcutaneous tumours | erythema induratum | erythema nodosum of Bazin | pleuroparietopexy | symptomatic drug | menopausal status | chronic gout | akinesia | silent aspiration | yawning | uncinate epileptic attack | fibrotic tissue | profibrinolysin | meteorism | lip swelling | prurigo nodularis | rare sclerosing skin diseases | chronic sclerodermoid graft-vs.-host disease | Netherton syndrome | chronic venous insufficiency | thrombin–antithrombin complex | laboratory marker | moya moya disease | T regulatory lymphocytes {Treg} | regulatory lymphocytes | effector T lymphocytes | effector lymphocytes | polidocanol | vein recanalization | generalized skin mastocytosis | Darier’s sign | intestinal absorption | jejuno-transverse colon anastomosis | Lassueur-Graham-Little-Piccardi syndrome | progressive cicatrical head skin alopecia | non-cicatrical loss of pubic and axillary hair | lichen planopilaris | eosinophilic fasciitis | Ergot | mastocytoma | pancreaticoduodenectomy | urticaria pigmentosa | nasogastric tube | nutritional composition | intestinal discomfort | performance nutrition | seborrhoeic psoriasis | seborrhoeic eczema | seborrhoeic pemphigus | Dercum’s disease | fatigability | eczema herpeticum Kaposi | glucocorticosteroids | umbilicated vesiculopustules | peripheral lymphadenopathy | B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia | lymphoproliferative changes | cutaneous manifestation | haemorrhagic zoster | leukaemic infiltration | specific cutaneous manifestation | chronic papulosquamous dermatosis | acetylsalicylate | lysine acetylsalicylate | bacteriuria | benign enlargement of the prostate | chronic urinary tract infection | gross negligence | Sweet’s syndrome | neutrophilic dermatosis | synovial tissue | post-infarction heart failure | juvenile chronic arthritis | bullous skin diseases | main basic protein | central microtubule doublet | classic liposome | vital organ | grooming behavio(u)r | stroke units | Warsaw Stroke Registry | jugular paraganglioma | tumour resection | neuro-oncology | Multiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life Questionnaire {MusiQoL} | McDonald criteria | Functional Assessment of Multiple Sclerosis {FAMS} | Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale {MSIS-29} | Expanded Disability Status Scale {EDSS} | primary generalized dystonia {PGD} | stereotactic procedures | cathodal stimulation | multi-contact cathodal stimulation | squamous cell | frontal sinus osteoma | pencil-in-cup | enthesitis | vitreo retinal pathologies | acquired traumatic leucoma | coadministration | stroke risk factors | symptoms suggestive of depression | post-stroke depressive symptoms | socioeconomic factors | cataplexy | Stanford Sleepiness Scale | substantia nigra | pontine substantia nigra | balance control | Balance Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment | spontaneous sway | stability deficit | postural sway velocity | length of mean sway | tensin | obstructive hydrocephalus | infundibulo-mammillary triangle | paraspinal muscles | retroperitoneal area | posterior-lateral access | substantia nigra pars compacta {SNC} | pancytopenia | zespół Marchiafavy-Micheliego | juvenile lymphocytic thyroiditis | atrophic thyroiditis | tubulointerstitial nephritis | tubulorrhexis | infectious hepatitis | combined drug therapy | paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria | petrosal part of the temporal bone | neuronal excitability | pro-convulsive properties | lipid fraction | haemangioblastoma | preoperative embolization | ophthalmoplegia | myelin sheathes | Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis | intracranial aneurysms | angiographic methods | magnetic resonance angiography | digital subtracted angiography | percutaneous vertebroplasty | recurrence of pain | complete relief of pain | neuromodulative treatment of chronic pain | neuromodulative treatment of chronic pain syndrome | ischaemic pain | motor cortex stimulation |
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