Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

vehicle accidents | palindromic rheumatism  | sialosis | anterior cerebral artery aneurysms | disease entity  | invasion | vertebroplasty | intravenous thrombolysis | intraarterial thrombolysis  | oncofetal  | aphakial  | CuZn superoxide dismutase | radiofrequency catheter ablation | extracranial internal carotid artery aneurysms | balloon test occlusion | abdominal aortic aneurysm | aneurysms’ neck | angulation | lumbar artery | visceral aneurysm | endovascular methods | visceral artery aneurysms | renal artery aneurysms | diabetic foot syndrome | lower limb arteries angioplasty | cyanoacrylate | medication error | laryngoscope | lysate | exoenzyme | sewage | hindgut | enterohydrocele | saprophyte | harmstring | elevator | greenhouse effect | sugarcane | histochemistry | operculum parietale  | abomasum | interparoxysmal | commensal bacteria | solitary lymphatic follicle | galenicals | galenics | lacrimal lake | lipoteichoic acid | lacosamide | food hypersensitivity | dyspeptic symptoms | polymetabolic syndrome | incremental | prohibitive | survivor | increments | palliation | local therapy | active treatment | epirubicin | docetaxel | melphalan | mitotic spindle inhibitors | combination chemotherapy | container closure system | mother tincture | hydro-alcoholic solution | manufacturing process  | homeopathic stock  | analytical procedures  | dried underground parts  | underground parts  | harvested manually  | genotoxic effects | single-dose container | linear sebaceous nevus of Jadassohn | substantial disease burden  | pathobiology | palliative agent | desrazoxane | objective response | regulatory authority | melanocyte stem cells | keratinocyte stem cells | hair matrix | NK-cell receptors  | club hair | exclamation-mark hairs | exclamation point hairs  | National Alopecia Areata Foundation | spontaneous remission | spontaneous regression | clinical presentation | scab | necrotic scab | lipophilic | scabby | epidermitis | study population | cardiotoxicity | attention span | localized skin atrophy | occlusive dressings | topical immunomodulating therapy | wet chemistry | dry chemistry | pull test  | follicular ostia | second-line therapy | diphenylcyclopropenone | squaric acid dibutylester | polyendocrinopathy | costimulatory signals | trabecular adenoma  | eccrine papillary adenoma | intracystic papillary adenoma  | eccrin acrospiroma  | eccrin spiradenoma  | sudoriferous gland adenoma | adenoma of prostate | multiple endocrine adenomas  | clear cell adenoma  | adrenal cortical adenoma, clear cell  | water-clear cell adenoma of the parathyroid | tubulovillous adenoma  | tubular adenoma | adrenal cortical adenoma, mixed cell  | adrenal cortical adenoma, heavily pigmented variant  | adrenal cortical adenoma, compact cell  | sebaceous adenoma  | mixed acidophil-basophil adenoma  | adenolymphoma | adenomyoma | apocrine adenocarcinoma  | trabecular adenocarcinoma  | anti-anxiety properties | psychomotor excitation | supraclavicular node | pathology report | obliteration  | subcapsular sinus | cellular immunophenotyping | paraneoplastic neurological syndromes | fellow-eye syndrome | neurosensory toxicity | neurosecretion | single agent | extramustine | hand foot syndrome | palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia | sensory neuron | Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale {UPDRS} | reduction of daily dose | peak cell rate  | node-negative  | growth factor | cross resistance | scotoma | destructive dose | antitumour | tremor of the head  | in the process of diagnosis | significant morphological abnormalities  | haemodynamical parameters within the norm | basal artery  | regular sinus rhythm  | contrast-enhanced MRI  | abnormal vessel  | superficial veins  | gradient study  | hypointense subcortical and periventricular lesions  | hyperintense lesions  | pale globes | craniocervical junction  | fresh ischaemia  | hyperdense lesions  | signs of oedema | corticosubcortical differentiation  | ventricular system  | paracerebral fluid spaces  | discharging physician | Ward Manager | medical certificate | differential staining | haemangiopericytoma | sealer | linear penetration of dye | calcium hydroxide dressings | dye penetration test | permanent dentition | permanent teeth | eruption of permanent teeth | active caries | active decay  | dental caries | periodontal status  | reparatory substance  | periodontal fibroblasts  | polymerizing light | composits |
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