Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

Hartmann's solution  | Hawkin's Test  | Hayem solution  | Hegar's dilator  | Hegar's sign | Heimlich's manoeuvre  | Heller myotomy  | Henry's law  | Henssge"s nomogram  | Hess' test  | Hilgenreiner's line  | Hirschberg test  | Hirst`s test  | Hounsfield scale  | Hurthle cell  | Hughston Test  | Hutchinson's teeth  | Ilizarov apparatus  | Ishihara color test | Crile's operation; Crile's Neck dissection  | Jendrassik maneuver  | Jones criteria  | Kahn's reaction  | Kallmorgen Vaginal Speculum  | OTM (Orthopedic Manipulative Therapy) Kaltenborn-Evjenth Concept  | Karnofsky score  | Kegel exercise  | Kehr's T-tube  | Kell antigen system  | Kellgren-Lawrence Grading Scale  | Killip class  | Kirschner wire,  | Kleihauer-Betke ("KB") test  | Knudson hypothesis  | Kocher's clamp  | Korotkov's method  | Kraus-Weber Fitness Test  | Kveim test,  | Leopold's manoeuvres  | Lichtenstein operation  | Intra Uterine Device, {IUD}  | Losee Test  | Lovett scale  | Lundh test  | hellp syndrome {HELLP} | FD&C green No. 1 | crypt depth ratio | Acute renal failure {ARF} | Intenstinal villus | Acute Kidney Injury {AKI} | Allocation concealment | Continous Renal Replacement Therapies {CRRT} | diagnostic panel | EGAhem | Extended Daily Dialysis {EDD} | External Quality Asessment Schemes | Global Warming Potential {GWP} | high-functioning alcoholic {HFA} | interleukin-18 | kidney injury | kidney injury molecule-1{KIM-1} | Motor evoked potentials {MEP} | neutrophil gelatinase- associated lipocali {NGAL} | Phantosmia | preclinical phase | RIFLE criteria | RNA-dependent RNA polymerase {RdRP} | Slow low-efficiency daily dialysis {SLEDD} | Somatosensory evoked potentials {SEPs} | Syncope Trust and Reflex Anoxic Seizures {STARS} | antivitamins | Maitland`s method  | Mendel-Mantoux tuberculin test | Marion’s operation  | Marsh classification  | Master's test;  | Mayo scissors  | McDonald`s suture  | McRoberts` manoeuvre  | Meigs' expanded Wertheim operation  | Meltzer-Lyon test  | Rhombus of Michaelis  | Mikulicz's enterotome zacisk Mikulicza .  | Monro-Kellie doctrine  | Moro reflex  | Mulligan concept  | Naegele's rule  | Opieka paliatywna  | Maternal care  | vascular permeability factor {VPF} | vessel co-option | Ah receptor nuclear translocating protein {Arnt} | alpha-vascular smooth muscle actin {a-SMA} | angiopoietin-1 {Ang-1,} | arrestin | aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator protein {ARNT} | B cell lymphoma {Bcl-2} | binding protein-3 {BP-3} | bone marrow- derived circulating endothelial progenitor cells {EPS} | canstatin | chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane {CAM} | cysteine-X-cysteine (CXC) motif {CXC} | delta-like ligand 4 {DLL4}, {Dll4} | endothelial cadherin | endothelial precursor cells {EPCs} | endothelial protein-disulfi de isomerase {EndoPDI} | Endothelial sprouting | placental insufficiency | Epithelial neutrophil activating protein – 78 {ENA-78} | cervical incompetence | fetal hypoxia | fetal anencephaly | glomeruloid angiogenesis | glomeruloid bodies {GBs} | Glu-Leu-Arg (ELR) motif {ELR} | Gowth related genes {GRO} | Hematopoietic stem cells {HSC} | Hypoxia-inducible factor {HIF} | IFN-g inducible protein-10 {IP-10} | Interferon-gamma {IFN-g} | intussusceptive angiogenesis | monokine induced by IFN-gamma {Mig} | phosphoinositide-3-kinase – {PI3K} | Platelet derived growth factor {PDGF} | platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 {PECAM-1} | platelet-derived growth factor, type B {PDGF-B | Sphingosine-1-phosphate {S1-P} | Stem cell factor.{SCF} | thrombospondin-1 {TSP-1} | tissue pillars | tumor endothelial markers {TEMs} | Tumour necrosis alpha {TNF-a} | tumstatin | vascular endothelial cadherin {VE-cadherin} | vascular sooth muscle cells {VSMCs} | Vasculogenic mimicry | vasculotropin | vessel cooption | nonsense probe | Nonsense DNA | Membrane type 1 metalloprotease {MT1-MMP} | Membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase {MT1-MMP} | neutrophil activating peptide-2 {NAP-2} | adenosine 3’,5’-cyclic monophosphate {cAMP} | guanosine 3’,5’-cyclic monophosphate {cGMP} | cAMP response element-binding protein {CREB} | Endothelinum {ET-1} | foetal liver kinase 1 {Flk-1} | fms-like tyrosine kinase {Flt-1} | granulocyte-colony stimulating factor {G-CSF} | growth factor receptor-bound 2 {Grb2} | intercellular adhesion molecule 1 ICAM-1 | inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate {IP3} | internal ribosomal entry site {IRES} | macrophage inflammatory protein 1{ MIP-1 i 2} | neutrophil activating peptide 2 {NAP-2} | nucleus localization signal {NLS} | oncostatim M {OSM} | platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor {PD-ECGF} | phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase {PI-3K} | protein kinase kineza {PKG} | Surgical complete remission (SCR) | src homology 2 {SH2} | SH-2-domain containing inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase {SHIP} | signal transducers and activators of transcription {STAT} | tumor infiltrating lymphocyte {TIL} | Trombopoietin {TPO} | whiff test | chromosomal abnormality in fetus | unstable lie of fetus | transverse lie of fetus | oblique lie of fetus | abdominal pregnancy  | Opisthorchiasis  | Papillary meningioma | Meningotheliomatous meningioma | Angiomatous meningioma | Haemangioblastic meningioma | Haemangiopericytic meningioma | Meningiomatosis | Psammomatous meningioma | Transitional meningioma | Fibrous meningioma | Meningioma, malignant | physiological developmental | Physical retardation | Physical retardation due to malnutrition | Late talker | Herpesviral infection of male genital tract | Vaginitis in herpesviral (herpes simplex) infection | Herpesviral dermatitis of eyelid | Disseminated herpesviral disease | Herpes simplex facialis | Herpes simplex labialis | Vulvitis in herpesviral (herpes simplex) infection | Vulvovaginitis in herpesviral (herpes simplex) infection | Iritis, herpetic (simplex) | Congenital herpesviral (herpes simplex) infection | Herpesviral infection of female genital tract | Pleuro-pneumonia-like-organism {PPLO} |
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