Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

Thecoma, malignant | Otosclerosis | Otosclerosis involving oval window | Cochlear otosclerosis | Otospongiosis | Patent foramen ovale | Persistent foramen ovale | Perforation of nasal septum | Extreme obesity with alveolar hypoventilation | Localized adiposity | Drug-induced obesity | Simple obesity | Ovalocytosis | Hypertrichosis | Acquired hypertrichosis lanuginosa | Congenital hypertrichosis | Hirsutism | Ovotestis | Ulceration of tongue | Ulceration | Nodular late yaws (ulcerated) | Pessary ulcer of vagina | Plaster ulcer | Oxyuriasis | Ozena | pachydermoperiostosis | Streptococcus, as the cause of diseases | Peregrinating patient | Kozhevnikof` s epilepsy | Benign childhood epilepsy | centrotemporal EEG spikes | occipital EEG paroxysms | Benign myoclonic epilepsy | symptomatic epilepsy | complex seizures | Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy with complex seizures | Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy with simple partial seizures | epilepsy | obesity | Generalized idiopathic epilepsy | Epilepsy with myoclonic absences | myoclonic-astatic seizures | Pyknolepsy | Juvenile absence epilepsy | Marfan\'s syndrome | Accessory toe(s)  | Macrodactylia (fingers) | Clubbing of fingers | Fused fingers | Webbed fingers | Fused toes | Webbed toes | club finger | hammer toe | Glossopyrosi | Accessory hallux | Hallux valgus (acquired) | Hallux varus | Hallux rigidus | Clubbing of nails | Panic state | Acute panmyelosis | Periodontosis | Paraphrenia | Owren's disease | Paragonimiasis | psittacosis | ideation | coelom | circulatory failure | meleagridis | histomonose | histomoniasis | convergence | levels of difficulty | time horizons | psychological space | Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis | Generalized paracoccidioidomycosis | Paramyotonia congenita/ Eulenburg | Alcoholic paranoia | Tenesmus vesical | Tenesmus vesical psychogenic | paraesthesia of skin | Parkinsonism | Syphilitic parkinsonism | Primary Parkinson\'s disease | Idiopathic Parkinson's disease | Secondary parkinsonism | Drug-induced secondary parkinsonism | Pasteurellosis | Congenital koilonychia | Koilonychia | Congenital clubnail | Ingrowing nail | Paedophilia | Pellagra | Pellagra alcoholic | Amoebiasis | St. Johns wort | blastomyces | tumor suppressor genes | carcinogen metabolism | tobacco smoke | laryngeal cancer | genetic instability | tumor immunology | depression of immunity | unsatisfactory results | conventional treatment | local immunity | zeta chain | tumor infiltrating lymphocytes {TIL} | mutated p53 gene | prognostic agents | proliferation markers | immunological competence | immunologic competence  | voice | voice organ | human communication | communication disorders | phoniatrics | audiology | routine examinations | stroboscopic examination of the larynx | glottis | ultrastructural research | glicoproteids | vascularization | ultrastructural construction | neoplastic cell  | genetic bacground | multiple primary tumors | International Agency for Research on Cancer-IARC | field cancerogenesis | neoplastic cell migration | clonality | cytotoxic chemotherapy | retinoids | COX-2 inhibitors | floor of the mouth  | teletherapy  | protease inhibitor | regional enteritis | transverse cross-sectional area | trabeculae in the epiphysis | lymphoblastic system | endosteal growth | increase in bone mass | T-cell receptor rearrangement excision circles {TREC} | Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma {ARIA} | survival motor neurons {SMN} protein | Smad interaction protein 1 {SIP1 } | Spliceosomal proteins {Sm} | Wistar rats | marrow cavity | erythroblastic system cells | osteoid | endosteal and periosteal transverse growth | purulent infection | non-invasive technique | biallelic deletion | SMN1 gene | chemoprevention | radiotherapy  | malignant process | spinal cord necrosis | 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy {3D CRT} | intensity modulated radiotherapy {IMRT} | precancerous conditions | dysplasia | precancerous lesions | hearing organ | otoacoustic emissions | cochlea | spontaneous otoacoustic emission | evoked otoacoustic emission | acoustic signal | spectral structure | side effects | Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome | congenital ocular palsy | ocular motor nerve palsy | nuclear oculomotor palsy | ocular muscle palsy | cerebral volume | pure autonomic failure {PAF} | red flags | Parkinson disease with autonomic failure {PD + AF} | multiple system atrophy {MSA}) | Lathyrism | Neurolathyrism | lathyrine | sound sources | interaural time difference {ITD} | interaural intensity difference | amplitude modulation | auditory localization | spatial orientation systems |
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