Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

veterinary medicine | intracranial | lymph nodes | epispadias  | confinement | ileum | sensitizer  | bronchial  | hyperreactivity  | screwdriver  | sebocyte  | darutoside  | vocal folds  | vocal cord | vivisection  | trichiniasis  | viscera  | hydrocephalus | congenital | duodenal ulcer | concussion | petechia | capillary yield | effusion  | smear test  | xiphisternum  | severe acute respiratory disorder {SARS} | mental aberration | bone meal  | loss-on-drying  | rejuvenation  | clamp  | arterial clamp  | infection | eyedropper  | thrombus | muscular atrophy | myocarditis | cholecystitis  | carditis | osteomyelitis | collapsed lung | conception | fertilisation | syngamy  | reflux  | intoxication | food poisoning | anteroseptal infarct  | Down's syndrome | tetralogy of Fallot | periodic mood swing {PMS} | premenstrual syndrome (PMS)  | premenstrual tension {PMT} | premenstrual stress {PMS}  | eye-field | hepatocyte | centrilobular | insertion needle | guide rod | quick release | connector | reference finger | ankle | resector | root mean square | recovery ratio | immobilize | strabismus | cross eye  | heterotropia  | compound fracture  | simple fracture | malposition  | nocturnal emission  | local anesthetic  | general anaesthetic | wrench | biliary | diastolic dysfunction | high- and low output HF | backward and forward HF | lipotropic  | hypothalamic | hypothalamus | gastric ulceration | resourses | long-term memory | short-term memory | memories  | retrospective memory  | semantic memory | episodic memory  | retrograde memory  | remote memory  | immunologic memory  | recent memory  | visual memory  | vasodilation | carotid artery occlusion  | contralateral  | analgesia  | congenital analgesia  | Congenital insensitivity to pain {CIP}  | intermittent claudication | elastase  | peripheral artery occlusive disease  | peripheral arterial disease  | peripheral vascular disease  | isovolumetric relaxation time {IRT} {IVRT} | patients quality of life  | pointer  | headband  | primary hipotonia  | cyclic guanosine 3’-, 5’-monophosphate {cGMP}  | medium arterial blood pressure {MAP}  | arterial hypotension  | serological markers  | peripheral vascular surgery  | groin lymphatic system  | groin access  | histological parameters  | trans unsaturated fatty acid isomers  | conjugated diens of linoleic acid  | spinal claudication  | crest line  | native LDL | minimally modified LDL {MM-LDL} | minimally oxidized LDL | eukaryotic cells | membrane vesicles {MV} | bioactive lipids | oxidized phospholipids | protective enzymes | ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm {rAAA} | operative risk | preoperative factors | intraoperative factors | postoperative factors | bifurcated graft | L-arginine | total antioxidant status {TAS} | nitric oxide (NO) deficiency | atherosclerotic ischaemia of the lower extremities | reccurrent bleedings  | vascular tone  | lymphoscintigraphy  | dermal backflow  | long-time retention of the tracer  | thermometric test  | heat distribution  | microcirculation  | thermometric parameters  | arterial anastomosis  | vascular anastomosis  | inferior mesenteric artery  | endothelial progenitor cells {EPCs} | hemapoietic stem cell {HSC} | early T-lineage progenitor {ETP} | granulocyte and monocyte progenitor {GMP}  | megakaryocyte/ erythrocyte progenitors {MEP}  | growth factor receptors  | progenitor cells  | endoglin  | CD 105  | proliferative retinopathy | barn swallow | detritus | diapause | layer diet | urine flow rate | air blower | eye fundus | ocular fundus, | ad libitum | natural selection | diel | mineral supplement | milking machine | protein maturation | creep feeding | intramuscular | intraperitoneal injection | predation | Foreign accent syndrome | Turdus musicus redwing | genetic drift | phylogenetic tree | coniferous tree | deciduous tree | great snipe | potassium dichromate | double-stranded DNA {dsDNA} | two-sided Fisher exact test | sulphur dioxide | membrane diffuser | sexual dimorphism | aterogenic dyslipidemia | dyslipidaemia | electrolytic dissociation |
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