Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96834 hase³ (48417 polskich, 48417 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

salicylic acid benzyl ester | salmonellosis of cattle, pigs and poultry | scrapie | second degree atrioventricular block | semi-automated | sheep pox and goat pox | sheep pulmonary adenomatosis | shelf-life | sinusitis | solid organ | sphenoidal sinusitis | spring viraemia of carp | sterile liquid | storage | strangles | radio-allergosorbent test {RAST} | radurization | randomised clinical trial {RCT} | Rapid Microbiological Metods | raving | ready-to-use | recombined human erythropoietin {rHuEPO} | recommended dietary allowance {RDA} | recommended initial dose | red blood cell {RBC} | red lentil | reduction | reduction of cardiovascular mortality | reduction of the vessel resistance | reflux esophagitis | regular blood tests | regulations for the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail {RID} | reliable | reminder | renal function impairment | renal impairement | renal insufficiency | renal vascular disease | renin-angiotensin-system | repaglinide | report any difficulties | reproduction system | respiratory distress | respiratory system | response | results of laboratory tests | re-testing | Retinal Pigment Epithelial {RPE} | retinol binding protein {RBP} | renibacteriosis | rheumatic heart disease | stress | subendocardial myocardial infarction | subtotal | sweet-birch oil | swine vesicular disease {SVD} | symptom | synthetic oil of bitter almond | target | testicular aplasia | therapeutic | therapy | thrombosis | thyroiditis | toxic amaurosis | toxicity | trachoma | trans-butenedioic acid | trans-cinnamic acid benzyl ester | transient | transmisseble gastroenteritis | transmural myocardial infarction | transplant centres | transplantation surgery | treat | tularaemia | umbrella tree | uncooked | uncork | undercook | underdone | underfed | underfeed | underfeeding | undernourish | undernourished | undernourishement | undiluted | uneatable | Anion exchange capacity {AEC} | Red sage | Forest pine | Rose, red | Rutland beauty | Convolvulus | Spring adonis | Beggar's basket | Poppy, red | Celandine | Herb trinity | White hellebore | Garden basil | Long narrow leaved plantain | Monosodium glutamate {MSG} | unestrified fatty acids {UFA} | lung resection | Zoophytic(al) | zymotic | zoobiotic | Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing Devices) | linoleic acid {LA} | liquid-solid chromatography | face oedema | facial swelling | fainting | fear | federal government | federal regulations | feed conversion index | felbamate | fenfluramine | fertility | fetotoxicity | Filter-Regulator-Lubricator {FRL} | fire extinguishing system | flexible | flock | flow diagram | fluid deficits | flunarizine | fluoxetine | flushed appearance | focal dystonia | fodder crops | fomes (fomites) | Food Additives | Food and Drug Administation {FDA} | Food Preservation | Food-born Infection | force | forced diuresis | fraction | french cooking | from a vein in your arm | fruit cake | fruit cocktail | fulminant hepatic necrosis | Fumigation | factor | faience | fair | fajitas | falafel | falling demand | fallow land | falsification | family farms | family selection | famine | famished | reversible | reversible MAO inhibitor | revoke permission | rhesus monkeys | right to withdraw | rigid | rinsing | Risk Analysis | Risk Assessment | Risk Management | risk of volume overload | risk | roast beef | rodenticides | round orbital oedema | routine | routine blood tests | saccharin sodium | safety | safety study | sample volume | sanguinaria | Willow | Cowslip | Water lily | cobbler | Daily Drug Dose {DDD} | dangerous consequences | darbepoietin | deadwood | dehydratization | dehydroepiandrosterone {DHEA} | delegate | deltamethrin | depression disorders | depression symptoms | desensitisation | desensitisation treatment | desmethylpantoprazole | dessicated coconut |
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