Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

contrasuppression  | clusterin  | clusterin isoforms  | glucagon-like peptide-1 {GLP-1} | gastric inhibitory peptide {GIP} | glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide | gastric inhibitory polypeptide {GIP} | dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors | endocrine regulation | incretins | incretin effect | interleukin | cardiac surgery {CS}  | reperfusion  | anti-inflammatory properties  | ursolic acid  | modality  | galactomannan  | game  | Polyvidone {PVP} {E1201} | lunar cycle | seasonal rhythms | lunar clock | hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis | HPG axis | full-moon | taste sensitivity | polyvinylpyrrolidone | polyvidone | corticotropin-releasing factor {CRF} | odynophagia  | dorsal root ganglion – {DRG}  | low back pain syndrome  | massage  | segmentary massage  | classical massage  | body height | dermato-adipose folds | triceps muscle | inferior angle of shoulder blade | arm muscle circumference {AMC} | waist to hip ratio (WHR) | fat mass {FM}, | proportional fat mass {%FM} | fat-free mass {FFM} | anthropometer | foldometer | Mollison index | medial tibial plateau  | tibial  | cotinine | F-actin | transitional epithelium | actin cytoskeleton | palladin | Ewing`s sarcoma | Ewing's tumor | pinealoma | genomics  | DNA sequencing technology  | photosensitive  | health threats | rural environment | shortsightedness | excess weight | short height | mental handicap | eyesight defects | allergose | general psychiatric ward  | direct nursing  | indirect nursing  | secular trends  | cognitive deficits | information processing | visual-spatial perception | problem solving | decision making | mean reaction time | subliminal priming | anthropometric tape | developmental age | health behavior | microfilaments | cerebellum stroke | rest pain | naturalistic observation | meclizine | meclozine | programmed cell death (apoptosis) | cysteine proteases | Bax proapoptotic protein | aspartyl proteases | threonine proteases | creatine kinase | kinase | surface waters  | aquatic environment  | membrane filtration  | campylobacteriosis  | serine proteases | Plummer Vinson syndrome | Paterson-Brown-Kelly syndrome | sideropenic dysphagia | lock-out | internist | hypoxaemia | early post-transplant period | cord blood | hypoxemia | supportive therapy | adjunctive therapy | multi-organ failure | muscle strength  | sport discipline  | muscle-bone injuries  | proliferation | histological type of tumor  | fibrinolysis  | antiplasmin {AP}  | plasmin inhibitor  | balance disorders | risk of fall | Romberg test | Romberg maneuver | Unterberger test | BabiÅ„ski- Weil test | balance deterioration | enalapril | amlodipine | uterine | nitroprusside | neglect | oxidative strees | traumatic injuries | deformation | lymphatic drainage | manual lymphatic drainage | side population {SP} | insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus {IDDM} | tissue reconstitution  | blood-testis barrier {BTB}  | oncoprotein  | APUD endocrine cells  | citrulline  | glycation processes  | citrulline malate  | active body mass  | exogenous factors  | bradypnea  | mitotic catastrophe  | sphingomyelinase  | sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase  | sphingomyelin  | sphingosine  | oncogenes  | dysfunction  | constrictor factors  | tail arteries  | xestospongin  | caffeine  | ryanodine receptor | thapsigargin | ryanodine | cerebral perfusion pressure {CPP} | stereotactic brachytherapy | intracranial catheter | intracranial catheter tips | colony forming units {CFU}; {cfu} | coagulase-negative staphylococci | polymicrobial | coagulase-positive staphylococci | technetium {Tc}  | corneal scarring  | hemiprosthesis  | lipolactonase | lipo-lactonase | homocysteine thiolactone {HCTL} | food antigens  | secretory function  | galanin | orexins | endogenous neuropeptides | neuropeptide Y {NPY} | alcohol craving | cholesterol ester hydroperoxides  | craving | deep artery of the arm  | perfusion pressure | dopaminergic neurons | extrapyramidal rigidity | hypertonic-hypokinetic syndrome | extrapyramidal system | tremor at rest | neuroprotective action | funduscopic  | greenstick fracture  | torus fracture  | interstitial fibrosis | tubular atrophy |
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