Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

autistic spectrum disorder | electrophysiologic studies | motor neuron  | riluzole | support group | neurogenic changes  | motoneurons | acetylcholine receptors | myasthenic crisis  | articuloligamento-muscular nociceptors  | polypharmacy | intentionality detector | eye-direction detector | shared attention mechanism | theory of mind mechanism | membrane-type matrix metalloproteinases | tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases | age-related neuromuscular changes | hemodynamic changes  | lower motor neuron  | actinic cheilosis | actinic cheilitis | dyssinergic | lip cancer | intraorbital dimension | cardiac function index | hamartomatous polyposis | juvenile polyposis syndrome | dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate  | glomerulopathy | nephrotic syndrome  | non-nephrotic proteinuria  | isolated non-nephrotic proteinuria  | isolated hematuria  | primary membranous glomerulonephritis | primary mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis  | hemodialysis vascular access | tunneled catheters | femoral catheter | percutaneous nephrostomy | ureterorenoscopy | non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction | pre-hospital cardiac arrest | tako-tsubo cardiomiopathy | glomerulopathies | Implantable Cardioverter Defibrylator | cheilitis actinic  | compulsive eating disorders  | valvular disease  | hypoalgesia  | brain infarct | common carotid artery bifurcation | sclerotic carotid artery stenosis  | brain infract prevention | angiotomography | lumbar anaesthesia | carcinoma cuniculatum  | carcinoma cuniculatum of the larynx  | intestinal stoma | omphalocele | drotaverine | codependency | alcohol codependency | symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder  | hormonal disorders | early mortality | emergency medical system  | early mortality rates | poison | cosmetic dermatitis | gastrointestinal tract decontamination  | specific antidotes | insecticides | pheromones | organophosphorus insecticides | carbamates insecticides | pyrethroids | mushroom poisoning  | cytotoxic cyclic polypeptides | lightning liver failure | mycological investgations | cyanide poisoning | hydroxocobalamin | smarts | predictors of suicide attempts  | suicidal tendencies  | suicidal behavior | sweat gland | genetic resistance  | chemokine receptor genes  | soluble receptor  | adverse events  | antiviral medicaments | recombined interferon  | pegylated interferon  | cyclophilin inhibitors | viral core protein  | combined antiretroviral therapy | nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors {NRTI} | non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor | non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors {NNRTI} | adhesion molecules | endogenous retro – viruses  | human endogenous retroviruses {HERV} | long terminal repeats  | thrombin inhibitors  | antithrombotic pharmacotherapy | plasma serine protease  | multifunctional plasma serine protease  | plasma coagulant activity | direct thrombin inhibitors | heparin induced thrombocytopenia | retro–elements | unfractioned heparin {UFH} | medullary thyroid carcinoma  | hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma | RET proto-oncogene | parafollicular cells | neural crest | familial medullary thyroid carcinoma {FMTC} | multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 {MEN2} | clinical genetics  | von Recklinghausen disease | neurofibromatosis typ 1 | neurofibromin | motoneuropathy | Wilms' tumor  | hereditary syndromes | hereditary pancreatitis | HBOC syndrome | familial pancreatic cancer | gauze pack  | impression tray  | multicentre studies | European Heart Rhythm Association – EHRA | pulmonary veins isolation | structural heart disease  | implantable cardioverter-defibrillator | cardiac resynchronization therapy  | ticagrelor | acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation | cholesterol ester transfer protein {CETP} | stress hyperglyceamia  | adrenergic activation | daily insulin requirement | right ventricular myocardial infarction  | right atrial pressure elevation | troponin | infant colic | oxypurine | primary aldosteronism {PA}  | pathogenically heterogenous syndrome | Sipple syndrome  | Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome | pheochromocytoma-paraganglioma syndrome  | lipocalin | salt intake reduction  | European Society of Hypertension  | salt consensus  | angiotensin receptor antagonists  | sartans | out-of-hospital cardiac arrest  | emergency department | hunter  | mucopolysaccharidosis  | transforming growth factor alpha  | neo-oogenesis | giant breast lipoma  | Mondor’s disease  | torsade de pointes | embryo transfer | assisted reproduction technology | conjugated linoleic acid {CLA} | molecular medicine | genetic information | integrative genomics | proteomics | molecular diagnostics  | molecular markers  | clarithromycin | acute colonic pseudo-obstruction | Ogilvie syndrome% | endoscopic decompresion | serrated adenomas | hyperplastic polyposis  | hyperplastic polyposis syndrome  | aberrant crypt foci | sessile serrated adenoma  | sessile serrated polyp  | traditional serrated adenoma  | microscopic colitis | intraepithelial lymphocytes | gemcytabine | capecitabine | contrast-enhanced ultrasound | mitochondrial medicine | mitochondrial dysfunction-associated disorders | hemodynamic disturbances | acoustic neuroma | branchial cleft |
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