Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

Beau's lines | Hair shaft | Campylobacter enteritis | Peripheral and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; or T-zone lymphoma; or Sezary's disease | dysproteinaemia | Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic - centrocytic, follicular | Intermediate differentiation  | Limphoplasmacytic  | Malignant lymphoma, nodular | Malignant lymphoma, large cell, follicular | Malignant lymphoma, large cell, cleaved, diffuse | Delayed milestone | Abnormalities of gait and mobility | Hb-SC disease | Hb-SD disease | Hb-SE disease | Hirschsprung\'s disease or Congenital (aganglionic) megacolon | Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis  | Adult-onset Still's disease | Diffuse areas | Tangier disease | abutment support | secondary abutment | ranine | Plate (to) | alpha-amino-beta-thiopropionic acid | alpha-aminoglutaric acid | alpha-toluic acid | ammonia liquor  | anhydrous ammonia | annealing | cranial base | antheridial | antiseptic lotion | aphid killer | skull base | apyrogenetic | aquiculture | artificial insemination stud | axenic | coumarine  | culling | ethoxyquin | experimental biological modulators  | Exponential Modeling  | infant | Primary care | Cook-chill Technology | cooked meats | cubic nitre | entacapone | maleic acid anhydride | European Waste Catalogue{EWC} | exotoxin | herd replacement | high hook effect | hydroxypropyl methylcellulose | hypromellose | Intermittent allergic rhinits | autosomal-dominant condition | attack of angioedema | anxiolytic benzodiazepines  | long-term (drug) | immature histologically | pulmonary hyaline membrane | cardiopulmonary exercise testing {CPX} | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation | predicted postoperative pulmonary functions | Pulmonary anthrax | Pulmonary heart disease | Summary of Product Characteristic {SPC} | Keratan sulfate {KS} | radial epiphysis | Tanner's bark | schistosomiasis | Still's disease | Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver | Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy {MMD} | Dystrophia myotonica {DM} | Farmer's lung | Glycogen storage disease, type VI | Glycogen storage disease | Anderson's disease | Glycogen storage disease tupe II  | scotopic {ERG} | restriction fragment length polymorphism {RFLP} | DNA restriction fragment  | Staphylococcal polyarthritis | Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome  | Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome | Anterior cerebral artery syndrome | Anterior spinal artery compression syndrome | aortic arch syndrome  | sulphonamide hypersensitivity syndrome reaction{SHSR} | dilatation of the heart | infusion associated reactions {IAR} | bleeding heart | alfa-hydroxytricarballylic acid {E330} | absorbable | absorption band | acetic acid bacteria | acetone-ethanol bacteria | acetone-butanol bacteria | acid-base equilibrium | Acute bacterial endocarditis  | acute exacerbation | Septic endocarditis  | Wire Stands | adjusted to a dry matter basis | aerophile bacteria | ameba disease | amoeba disease | anoxybiontic bacteria | Approval  | Bacillus Calmette-Guerrin {BCG} | bacterial biofilms | bacterial artificial chromosome | Water-mineral balance | time to progression {TTP} | Diseases of subcutaneous tissue complicating childbirth  | Diseases of inner ear | Personal history of diseases of the circulatory system / musculoskeletal system and connective tissue  | musculoskeletal system | Genitourinary system | ecdysteroid | Neoplasm of uvula of palate | Neoplasm of soft palate | Neoplasm of hard palate | Neoplasm of cheek | Neoplasm of mucosa of cheek | Neoplasm of eyelid | Neoplasm of lower eyelid | Neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue | Neoplasm of spermatic cord | Neoplasm of penis | Neoplasm of body cavernosum of penis | Appliance Containers | Neoplasm of (internal) (external) urethral orifice | Neoplasm of seminal vesicle | Neoplasm of gallbladder | Neoplasm of Waldeyeris ring | Neoplasm of lung | Neoplasm of main bronchus | Neoplasm of lower lobe of lung | Pulmonary hilus | Neoplasm of vagina | Neoplasm of fornix of vagina | Neoplasm of palate | lobe (of lung) | Appliance | Bell's palsy | Streptococcal polyarthritis | Rheumatoid arthritis of spine | Brucella spondylitis | Enterobacterial spondylitis | Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis | Meningococcal arthritis | Juvenile arthritis | Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis | Juvenile arthritis with systemic onset | Juvenile polyarthritis (seronegative)  | Reactive arthropathies  | Streptococcal arthritis | Pneumococcal arthritis | Postdysenteric arthropathy | Postmeningococcal arthritis | Postimmunization arthropathy | Chronic juvenile polyarthritis | Reactive arthropathies | Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis | Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems | Acute rheumatic arthritis  | Subacute rheumatic arthritis  | Pyogenic arthritis | Rubella arthritis | Gonococcal arthritis | Arthritis in localized salmonella infection | Arthritis in Lyme disease | Arthritis in leprosy | Cellulitis of vocal cords | Chorditis fibrinous  | Parenchymatous gestational mastitis | Noninfective mastitis of newborn | Infective mastitis | Tuberculous osteomyelitis | Osteomyelitis of orbit | Gonococcal osteomyelitis | Cervicitis | Cervicitis without erosion | Gonococcal cervicitis | Endocervicitis | Cerviticis following delivery | Chlamydial cervicitis | Exocervicitis | Ankylosing spondylitis | Mastitis acute  | Balanitis xerotica obliterans | Balanoposthitis | Amoebic balanitis | Candidal balanitis |
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