Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

Löffler's endocarditis | lung aging | lung epithelium | telomer | lysosomes  | Erytrocyte  | Medical registers  | health technology  | Carbon Capture and Storage {CCS} | Foetoscope | louse-borne | Double contrast X-Ray | Organ Preservation  | Subclavian Steal Syndrome  | trismus | Umbilical cord blood bank | National Health Federation {NHF} | public payer | Register of Health Care Services  | Medical Technology  | Innovative medicines  | rational approach  | reimbursement policy  | Registers | Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (Shy-Drager syndrome) | Weaver's syndrome | Weber's syndrome | osmophilic membrane | blood-air barrier | substraction angiography | pale cut surface | passage  | patellofemoral crepitus | pathogenic microbiology | patient compliance | recombinant human C1 inhibitor {rhC1-INH} | hereditary angioedema | C1 inhibitor's deficiency | Therapeutic Programms  | palifosfamide | Papillorenal syndrome | parallel group study | pickled | Reye's syndrome | Rotor's syndrome | Scheie's syndrome | Schmidt's syndrome | Seckel's syndrome | Senear-Usher syndrome | screwdriver tooth | Ephedra family | coronary arteriography {CAG)} | intravascular ultrasonic {IVUS} | intravascular ultrasound – virtual histology – {IVUS-VH} | Left main stenting | Sever’s disease | ebola virus | Subrenal section | solitary pulmonary nodule {SPN} | somatostanin | spinal nerve | Panel Care Team | Alveolar lining  | surfactant proteins  | extracellular lining of surfactant  | Alterations  | surfactant protein {SP} | Valvular thickening | Visual Evoked Potentials {VEP} | Peripheral Blood Stem Cel {BSC} | eurasian spoonbill | great scua | icterine warbler | imperial eagle | Jack Snipe | jackdaw; Eurasian jackdaw | jay | jungle fowl | kingbird | lesser black-backed gull | lesser kestrel | lesser spotted eagle | lesser spotted woodpecker | lesser white-fronted goose | linnet | little bitern | little bustard | little crake | little grebe | little gull | little ringed plover | little stint | loon | mandarin duck; mandarinente | manx shearwater | magpie | marsch warbler | marsh harrier | marsh tit | meadow pipit | middle spotted woodpecker | Montagu's harrier | mute swan | nightjar; european nightjar | Northern flicker | northern fulmar | northern gannet; north atlantic gannet; gannet | northern harrier | northern hawk owl | northern pintail | northern wheatear | nutcracker | nuthach sitelle; European nuthach sitelle; wood nuthach; Eurasian nuthach | ortolan bunting | parasitic jaeger | pied flycatcher | pigeon | pin-tailed sandgrouse | Pine grosbeack | pip | pochard; common pochard | puffin; common puffin; atlantic puffin | purple heron | purple sandpiper | razorbill | red knot | red necked grebe | red-breasted flycatcher | red-brested merganser | Red-crested Pochard | red-futted falco | red-necked phalarope | red-throated diver | reed bunting | river warbler | rock bunting | rock dove | rock partridge | rock ptarmigan; grouse ptarmigan | rook | rough-legged hawk | ruddy turnstone | ruff | rufous-teiled rock-trush | sanderling | sandwich tern | short-toed eagle | short-toed treecreeper | siberian jay | smew | snow bunting | snowy plover | spotted crake | squacco heron | stock pigeon; stock dove | streaked rock sparrow; rock sparrow | summer bird; snake bird; cockoo's mate; writheneck | tawny owl; Eurasian tawny owl | Temminck's stint | tree sparrow | umbrella bird | velvet scoter | wader | wading bird | wagtail | wallcreeper | warbler | water bird | waxwing; bohemian waxwing | westen Bonell's warbler | wheater | whimbrel | whippoorwill | whiskered tern | white stork | white wagtail | white-backed woodpecker | white-fronted goose; greater white-fronted goose | white-tailed eagle | white-winged snowfinch; (white-winged snow finch) | wigeon; Eurasian wigeon | willow grouse; willow ptarmigan | winter wren | wood pigeon | wood sandpiper | woodpecker | woodpigeon | Acrania | Fingers | Louping ill | Chlamydial lymphogranuloma (venerum)/ Duran-Nicolas-Favre disease | Duran-Nicolas-Favre disease | Paramytonia congenita | Franklin's disease / Gamma heavy chain disease | Gamma heavy chain disease | Ankylosing hyperstosis/ Forestier  | Fredreich's ataxia (autosomal recessive) | Infantile papular acrodermatitis/ Giannotti-Crosti | Thromboasthenia (haemorrhagic) (hereditary) | Yaws |
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