Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

Dupuytren's fracture | Galeazzie's fracture | Fracture of head of ulna | Fracture of head of femur | Fracture of distal end of humerus | Fracture of greater tuberosity of humeru | Fracture of thumb | Fracture of lateral malleolus | Fracture of medial malleolus | Fracture of bone | Fracture of ilium | Fracture of parietal bone | atrophy of lymphoid tissue  | mean arterial pressure {MAP}  | bioavailability profile  | blastocyst  | bone tissue density  | bone tissue metabolism  | bridging vein  | caffeine pharmacokinetics . | calcification focus  | calcium metabolism  | calcium mobilisation  | capillary permeability  | carcinogenicity  | cardiovascular collapse  | cerebripetal  | chloramphenicol  | cholestyramine  | chromosomal damage  | Marketing Authorisation number (s) | Marketing Authorisation Holder | Neoplasm of corpus callosum | post-traumatic stress disorder {PTSD} | random amplified polymorphic DNA {RAPD} | elevation of transaminase level | elevation of serum ferritin | cleft palate  | clomipramine  | coagulation factor  | conjugation  | conjunctival sac  | consequent reperfusion  | coronary perfusion  | coronary circulation  | coronary flow  | covalent bond  | croscarmellose sodium  | crystalline powder  | cyclooxygenase activity  | delirium symptoms  | demethylation  | diclofenac  | dimethylxanthine  | dopaminergic system  | desipramine | Abscess of prostate | Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) Blood Test | surfactant | multiple pregnancy | gestational age | deplete | subsidence | Fowler`s position | non-ulcer dyspepsia | forebrain | drug hepatotoxicity  | ear buzzing  | electrocardiographic test  | electrostimulation  | endocrine system  | enzymatic activity  | enzyme activity  | ergotamine  | ethynylestradiol  | First line treatment | first line therapy  | excessive perspiration | hair loss | expiratory wheezing | extrahepatic tissue | fentanyle | first-pass effect | flight of ideas | foetus | freely soluble | fungal suspension | gamma-carboxylation | gastric emptying rate | gastric mucosa | gastrointestinal mucosa | gastrointestinal peristalsis | peristalsis | gastrointestinal ulceration | genotoxic activity | glaucoma attack | glucuronidation | glutathione system | guanetidine | haemodynamic parameter | hand tremor | heart rhythm disorders | hepatic metabolism | heterogeneity of the results | Hill coefficient | glioneuroma | retrograde ejaculation | Bayesian Analysis | corpectomy | nerve root | nerve root retractor | chisel | facilitation | homeostasis | hydroxyl radicals | hyperglycemic effect | hypertension crisis | hypertensive crisis | hypophysial adenoma | impaired nasal patency | inactivation | creatinine kinase | increased leukocytosis | infectious factor | inflammation | influenza virus strain | inhibitor | inotropic effects | interindividual variability | intestinal wall | intracerebral haemorrhage | intramural nerve plexus | intraspinal anaesthesia | intravenous | isobolographic analysis | isoenzyme | isotope-labelled | catecholamine | ketoprofen | kinine | liver enlargement | liver enzymatic system | liver lobule | lumbar section | lumen of the gastrointestinal tract | lymphoid gland | lymphoid tissues | motor activity | malnutrinion | mammary gland | pharmacodynamic activity | meloxicam | metamisol | methylene chloride | methylxanthine | metoclopramide | metoxamine | mexiletine | microglia | micronuclear test | monoaminooxidase {MAO} | morula | myocardium | myocardium contractility | N-acetyl-p-benzo-quinone imine | naphazoline | naproxen | nasal mucosa | nerve endings | nimesulid | non-selective antagonist | non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug | normalisation of biochemical parameters | omeprazole | Stable coronary artery disease | presenile dementia Alzheimer's type | insertion | operating theater | health visitor | bottom | lubricate | eschar | arborization | ovulation | orchiatrophy  | ossification disorders  | oxidative desamination  | oxygen consumption | oxymetazoline | pain receptor | Failed medical abortion | Postencephalitic parkinsonism | proline | perioperative risk  | paracetamol | paracetamol clearance | paraxanthine | parecoxib | parenteral feeding | parenteral nutrition |
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