Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

sodium | strontium | sulfur | tantalum | technetium | tellurium | terbium | thalium | thorium | thulium | tin | titanium | tungsten | uranium | vanadium | xenon | ytterbium | yttrium | zinc | zirconium | abrin | absolute neutrophil count {ANC} | acellular vaccine | acute otitis media {AOM} | aminoacidemia | adzuki bean | anti-inflammatory therapy | antimetabolite | aortic incompetence {AI} | apical impulse | apple charlotte | articulation index | atherogenic index {AI} | athetosis | axioincisal {AI} | banketing hall | Best Available Technology {BAT} | betalactames | bioethics committee | black coffee | blood sausage | brain electrical activity mapping {BEAM} | calcium channels blockers {CCB} | Caregivers Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire {CPAQLQ} | Central Register of Clinical Trials {CRCT} | cheese sandwich | Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System {CCRIS} | chronic myelocytic leukemia {CML} | citalopram | clinical expression of primary dystonia | community acquired pneumonia {CAP} | computer tomography {CT} | constipation in neurological diseases | coronary artery spasm | definition | diagnosis of hereditary neuropathies in adult patients | diagnostics | dopamine replacement therapy | duble dummy trial | drug trafficking | eating disorders | empty calories | esophageal spasm | esophagospasm | esophogastroduodenoscopy | European Court of Human Rights | European Convention on Human Rights {ECHR} | N.O.S. - not specified | extermination of rats | facial hemiathropy | facial spasm | facial trophoneurosis | false localising signs | feedstuf | field of vue {FOV} | filamentous hemagglutinin {FHA} | fluorochinolons | Food Standards Agency | formalin-treated pyruvaldehyde-stabilised human erythrocytes {FPHE} | genrally recognised as safe | Genetic Toxycology Databank {GENETOX} | glaucomatous visual field defect | glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency | hemifacial atrophy | hippuric acid | Hospital Medical Record | human associative memory {HAM} | human corticosteroid binding globulin {hCBG} | human genome sequencing project | human leukocyte associated antygen {HLA} | human pancreatic growth hormone-releasing factor {hpGRF} | human placent alkaline phosphatase {HPLAP} | human resource management system | human T-cell lymphoma virus {HTLV} | illicit drug trafficking | immunity test {IT} | immunomodulatory drugs | immunostimulatory drugs | incise drape | inferior respiratory tract infection | inpatient {IP} | intention-to-treat analysis | inention-to-treat analysis | International Association of Human Biologists {IAHB} | International Pediatric Association {IPA} | International Pharmacopoeia {IP} | interphalangeal {IP} | intraluminal thrombus | intrathecal | investigational protocols | investigator's brochure | iph | irradiation | isomeric transition | Italian Honeysucle; Italian Woodbine | longitudinal study | low calorie diet | lumbar disc prolapse | macrolides | mass spectrometry {MS} | maternal plasma {mp} | mechanical physiotherapy | medical decompressive therapy | metastases {M} | metastatic intracranial tumor | mimetic convulsion | mimic convulsion | mineral fertilisers | mobile spasm | mongrel | mucosa associated lymphoid tissue {MALT} | myopathic spasm | neurophysiological findings | neuropsychological findings | neuroradiological findings | neurovirological methods | nitrilotriacetate {NTA} | noduli {N} | non-injury blood pressure measurement {NIBP} | occupational medicine | oesophageal spasm | oesopahagospasm | Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products | osteogenesis imperfecta | outcome research | oxitocine challenge test {OCT} | Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire {PAQLQ} | Paediatric Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questrionnaire | peroxide free radical | pertactin | pharmaceutical patent | phenyloketonuria {PKU} | polymorfonuclear cell | poor prognosis | positional manoeuvres | premenstrual dysphoric disorder {PMDD} | primary intracranial tumor | principles and positive results of globus allergicus therapy | randomised controlled trial | Rapid Alert System Food and Feed {RASFF} | rare inherited deficiency of the protein-alfa-1-antitrypsin {AAT} | regional dishes | renal treshold | repetitive stress injury | respiratory tract infections {RTI} | Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire {RQLQ} | riboflavine-adenine dinucleotide flavinat {FAD} | risk-factor modification | Screening Questionnaire for Child and Teen immunization | serve chilled | sense of coherence {SOC} | serotoninergic neurotransmission | Sickness Impact Profile {SIP} | single-passage multiple-traced dilution technique | sitosterolemia | slurry | social fobia | sodium dichloroisocyjanurate | space maintainer | spondylothoracic dysplasia {STD} | stable condition | study | study medication | study protocol | summer flounder | surgical adhesive incision drape | terminal villi {TV} | tetracyclic antidepressants | tonsillopharyngitis | torsion dystonia | tortipelvis | total pain | tricyclic antideoressants | trophoneurosis | tumor {T} | United Nations Drug Control Programme {UNDCP} | Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System {VAERS} | vestibular reflexes | villous membrane | vincristine |
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