Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

acoustic information | directional hearing | sound source localization | cochlear implants | tonal signals | noise signals | free field | anechoic chamber | hereditary hearing impairment | hearing impairment {HI} | non-syndromic hearing impairment | autosomal-dominant | autosomal-recessive | X-linked | Chronic intestinal amoebiasis | Acute amoebiasis | Cutaneous amoebiasis | Hepatic amoebiasis | Benign mucous membranÄ™ pemphigoid | Penicilliosis | Essential pentosuria | Marginal perforation of tympanic membrane | Perforation of tympanic membrane, total | Perinatal intestinal perforation | Perforation of intestine (nontraumatic) | Perforation of uterus following ectopic pregnancy | Perforation of uterus following abortion | Perforation (nontraumatic) of rectum | Perforation of bladder | Perforation of gallbladder | Congenital perforated nasal septum | Perforation of oesophagus | Perforation of bile duct | Perforation of cervix | Perforation of broad ligament | Perforations multiple of tympanic membrane | Cholesteatoma tympani | Cholesteatoma of external ear | Epstein's pearl | Enamel pearls | Hyperperistalsis | Visible peristalsis | Neuropathic bladder atonic (motor) (sensory) | Neuropathic bladder | Abnormal bladder function test | abnormal function test | Bladder calcified | Bladder contracted | Pemphigus | anatomical data | Sturge-Weber (-Dimitri) syndrome | Drug-induced pemphigus | Pemphigus erythematosus | Benign familial pemphigus | Intrahepatic gallbladder | Traumatic rupture of ear drum | Rupture in Descemet's membrane | Spontaneous rupture of synovium | Rupture involving rectal mucosa during delivery | Strawberry gallbladder | Rupture involving anal mucosa during delivery | Fissure of nipple, gestational | Fissure of nipple, puerperal | Cracked nipple associated with childbirth | Rupture involving pelvic floor during delivery | Traumatic rupture of intervertebral disc | Perineal laceration during delivery  | larynx cancer  | microlaryngoscopy  | videostroboscopy  | fiberoscopy  | total laryngectomy  | musculo-cutaneus flap  | carbon dioxide laser | neoplasmatic lesions | stenosis of trachea | oncological treatment | laryngeal stenosis  | hearing receptor | ear discharge | retraction pockets | rhinosinusitis | osteomeatal complex | endonasal surgery | nasal cavities | chromosome instability | bleomycin test | mutagen sensitivity | chromosomal instability | histopathology | lymphoid tissue | in situ hybridization methods | fine needle aspiration cytology | thyroid nodules  | thyroid carcinoma  | differentiated thyroid cancer  | papillary thyroid carcinoma  | follicular thyroid carcinoma  | anaplastic carcinoma  | primary thyroid lymphoma  | juvenile fibroma  | vascular malformations  | epistaxis  | stent grafts  | extracranial  | mechanism of carcinogenesis  | carcinogenic potential  | HPV-derived tumours  | fungal infections  | amplification of DNA fragments surrounding rare restriction sites {ADSRRS-fingerprinting} | Multiple Arbitrary Amplicon Profiling {MAAP} | out-patient private gynaecological clinic | normal gynaecological status | Giddiness | Limitation of activities due to disability | registration of medicines | organic solvent | dissolution | lymphocyte homing receptor | cell regeneration | Multiple papillomata and wet crab yaws | Rupture of uterus | bone conduction | sound detection | bone anchored hearing aids | surgical technique | high-affinity receptor | pericellular | buffy coat | petrissage | neuritis retrobulbar | mosaicism | anaesthetic corneae | acute cardiac syndromes {ACS}  | European Society of Cardiology  | aortocoronary bypass graft | Presence of artificial eye | non-invasive diagnostics  | oedema of lumbar spinal cord | dry abscess | myocardial ischaemia  | local side-effect | Chloasma | antihypertensive treatment | polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine | silent ischaemia  | mildly symptomatic  | contractility of hearth muscle  | somatic disease  | global quality of life  | cardiovascular risk factors  | aetiopathogenesis  | cardioprotection  | fluoroscopy | orthopnoea | therapeutic treatment | glycaemic load {GL}  | carbohydrate intake  | stable CAD (coronary artery disease)  | waist criterion  | lipid metabolism  | metabolic control of diabetes  | gotu kola | contralateral | exonuclease | nucleotide | primase | European Resuscitation Council {ERC} | intensive treatment  | metabotropic glutamate receptors  | norepinephrine  | preproghrelin  | residual renal function {RRF}  | postprandial  | glycaemia  | peripheral insulin resistance  | intragastric administration  | insulin fasting concentration  | one-vessel coronary artery disease  | dietary mistakes  | diabetic diet  | correct nutrition  | nutritional value  | energy value  | cytoplasmic droplets | floodplains | prescribe | medulla oblongata | cerebellum | olfactory bulb | locus coreuleus | total sterol | vegetable oil | glucitol | saw palmetto | beta sitosterol | impurities | microsiemens | heteroglycans | trituration |
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