Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

neuronal cell adhesion molecule {NrCAM} | neurofascin | stem cell factor SCF | calcium hydroxide | sibutramine | uveitis | ATP-sensitive potassium channels | chemopreventive strategy | endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor {EDHF} | immunomodulatory properties | nuclear hormone receptor corepressor {N-CoR} | hyphae | chromosome segregation | spore chains | asynchronous | unigenomic compartments | nucleoprotein complex | segregosome | endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization  | endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization pathway  | skin allergy reactions | mastocyte degranulation | histaminemia | hypomagnesemia | hypomagnesaemia | hypermagnesemia | estrogen receptors {ERs}  | transcriptional processes | non-genomic | mitochondrial genome transcription | non-genomic activity | histone-like proteins  | genophore  | physiological functions  | gene expression profiles  | gene chip technology  | cubilin  | threshold cycle {Ct} | gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist {GnRHa} | hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase {HPRT} | reference genes | real-time PCR | gene expression level | sphingolipidose | human mast cells {HMC} | platelet derived endothelial cell growth factor {PD-ECGF} | human defensin | sphingosine-1-phosphate {S1P} | eotaxin | chemotactic factors | lifespan  | exhaustion  | adalimumab  | tumor necrosis factor-a; {TNF-a}  | tumor necrosis factor-alpha  | anti-TNF-a antibodies  | Acceptance of Illness Scale {AIS} | General Health {GH} | Mental Health Summary {MHS} | Physical Health Summary {PHS} | Role Emotional {RE} | Role Physical {RP} | Social Functioning {SF} | Visual Analogue Scale VAS | nauseous  | sodium pump  | protein glutathionylation | reduced glutathione {GSH} | oxidized glutathione {GSSG} | S-nitrosoglutathione {GSNO} | glutathione biosynthesis | clinical medicine | water-electrolyte metabolism  | neural lobe  | perforin  | adenine nucleotide translocase {ANT}  | antiendothelial cell antibodies {AECAs]  | vascular damage marker  | chemotaxonomic markers  | chemotaxonomy  | chemosystematics  | taxonomy  | extracellular fluid dialysate  | microdialysis  | episodes of brain ischemia  | subcutaneous adipose tissue  | granulocyte colony-stimulating factor {G-CSF}  | leukapheresis  | molecular cross-links | cross-links | blockers | torsion | ultimate | angular deformation | toughness | mechanical strength | deletion syndrome | facial dysmorphy | dysmorphy | Sotos syndrome | cerebral gigantism | polyethylenimine {PEI} | enhanced vascular permeability and retention {EPR}  | polyelectrolyte complexes {PEC}  | polyglutamic acid {PGA}  | ultrasound | cavitation | sonodynamic therapy | sonosensitizers | synergy | pyruvate kinase | electron-carrier protein | cytochrome oxidase | myoglobin | L-carnitine | somato-vegetative reflex | humoral-circular reaction | exteroreceptors | proprioreceptors | Papez emotive district | Papez loop | sharp pain syndromes | bevacizumab | age-related macular degeneration {AMD} | angiogenesis inhibitors  | molecular tumor markers  | alphafetoprotein expression  | alphafetoprotein  | alpha-fetoprotein  | cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase  | integrin receptors  | intracellular protein cascade  | ash | Health Related Quality of Life {HRQoL} | thymic hypoplasia | weight | G protein- coupled receptor  | labyrinthine vertigo  | intranatal  | nicotinic acid | engraftment | nitroblue tetrazolium  | hydroxynonenal  | iron-binding glycoprotein  | vitamin D3 receptor {VDR}  | osteoclast  | intestine epithelial cells  | fucosylotransferases | fucosylation | fucose | glycotopes | deoxyhexose | interceptors  | „silent” chemokine receptors  | intracellular loop  | Duffy glycoprotein  | fimbria | afimbrial adhesins | swarming phenomenon | opportunistic pathogens | fimbrial adhesins | long-term depression {LTD} | long-term potentiation {LTP} | synaptic plasticity | regulatory T cells  | gastrointestinal infection | Shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli {STEC} | Shiga toxins | Shigatoxigenic group of Escherichia coli {STEC} | Enterohemorrhagic E. coli {EHEC} | verotoxin-producing E. coli | cotrimoxazole | fosfomycin | HUS syndrome | cilastatin | meropenem | ertapenem | doripenem | macrolide | intestinal wall invasion | concomittant  | soy isolates  | retinyl palmitate  | dietary oil  | mixed cryoglobulinemia  | pathology of the aortic arch | pathology | membrane attack complexes {MAC}  | bacteriolysis | hemolytic uremic syndrome {HUS} | membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis  | endothelium- derived relaxing factor {EDRF}  | tissue fixatives  | myelopoiesis  | molecular markers of carcinogenesis  | humans | disaccharide core | hydroxytetradecanoic acid | myristic acid | mannopyranose |
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