Archiwum hase³
air-scavenging | air-space | airy | polymorphonuclear leucocyte {PMN} | aku | ala | alar | alary muscles | albuminoids | albumose | alburn | alcoholate | alcoholysis | aleuron | algologist | algology | algulose | ali-sphenoids bones | alighting-board | alimentary cavity | alimentary epithelium | alimonious | aliquot | alisphenoid | alkaline phosphatase | all-in-all out system | all-mash | all-or-one trait | allelomorphic | allelism | allelocarpy | allelomimetic behaviour | alliesthesia | allo-grooming | allocarpy | allogamous | allogamy | allokinesis | allopatric spieces | allopolyploidy | allopolypoid | allotetraploid | allotetraploidy | allotriophagia | allotriploid | allotriploidy | alpha - aminocaproic acid | alpha - aminoisocaproic acid | alpha - aminoisovaleric acid | alpha - aminopropionic acid | alpha - aminovaleric acid | alpha animal, dominant animal | alpha change | alpha-lactalbumin | alpine herdsman hut | alternate bearing | alternative inheritance | alveolar air | alveolar periostitis | alveolate | alveole | alvitis | alvoelar | ambler | ambler (horse) | ambling horse | ambulation | ameboid | amebid cells | ameloblast | american saddle horse | american standard bred | aminoacidaemia | ammonia forming bacteria | amoeboid cells | amount of growth | amphicelous vertebra | amphidiploid | amphidiploidy | amphigony | amphioxus; lancelet | amphiploidy | amphitrichate | amphitrichous bacteria | amplexus | ampulla | ampulla of Henle | ampulla of the vas deferens | amylaceous matter | anacusia | anadromous | anaplasmosis (of cattle) | anastomoses | ancona | andalusian | androecium | aneuploid | aneuploidy | angular | animal day | animal husbandry extension service | animal husbandry tradition | animal relationship | animal traction | animal yield | animalcule | anion exchange resin | annual off-take (slaughter) | annual record | annular fold | anodyne | anoestrous; anestrus (US) | anoestrum | anoestrus | anoxybiontic | antenna | antenna comb | antennary gland | anthocoris bugs | anticoccidian | antimeres | antiperistalsis | antiperistaltic waves | antipodal embryo | antlers in velvet | anura; anoura | apetitive behaviour | apiary house | apical tooth | apimyiasis | apiology | aplanogamete | apophysis | apospory | appendicularia | appertizing | appetence | apposition of chromosomes | approach (jump) | apron net | apteria | arab | arabian horse | arable farming | arable layer | arable meadow/ cultivated pasture | arched face horse | arctic tern | area under permanent grass | argas | arista | aristate | arm piece (sheep) | arrested growth | arthroidal cartilage | articulata | artificial farm manure | artificial rumen | artificial selection | artificial sow's milk | artificial swarming | ascend | aspersion | assessment of confirmation | associated breeders | assortative mating | assortment | redtop grass | astrakan lamb | astral rays | astringe | asymptotic rate | asynapsis | atlantal bursa | atokous | atony of the forestomachs | atopy | atresia | atretic | atrial fibrilation | atrichous | atriopore | atrophic foetus | atrophied | attached X chromosomes | attested herd | attire (deer) | attire head | attractant | auditory capsule | autoalloploid | autoalloploidy | autogamy | autogenesis | autogony | automixis | autosexing | autosexing breed | autosexing strain | autosom |
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