Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

cadherins | dysplasia fibrosa | total thyroidectomy  | benign thyroid diseases | retrosternal goiter | recurrent goiter | extra-capsular excision  | parathyroid glands | benign esophageal disorders | esophageal impedance | necrotising pancreatitis | benign colorectal diseases | life threatening condition | diverticular disease of colon with peritonitis | complicated diverticulosis | postoperative upper gut motility disorders  | migrating motor complex {MMC} | interstitial cells of Cajal | down regulation | up regulation  | lozenge  | serovar  | social security | inability to live unassisted | work incapacity | independent public health care institution  | medical specializations | health determinants | health policy  | genetically modified organisms {GMO} | atherosclerotic plaque | inhaled bronchodilators  | sarcoma synoviale  | islet cell cancer  | squamous cell cancer  | adenocarcinoma of the lung  | lab tests | embolectomy | radioactive iodine therapy | urolithiasis | differential diagnostics | public health | peptic ulcer disease | vestibular Schwannoma | carbohydrate metabolism disorders | choroidal and retinal circulation | indocyanine green  | hard exudates  | focal laser coagulation  | intravitreal-triamcinolone-acetonide-injection | eye capsula | nuclear cataract  | posterior subcapsular cataract  | Gaucher disease  | silicone intraocular lens implantation | dacryocystitis | triamcinolone acetonide  | phacoemulsification cataract surgery  | anterior chamber of the eye  | pars plana vitrectomy  | mydriatics | immunomodulation effect | retinal thickness | foveal average thickness {FAV } | poisoning severity score | attempted suicide | harmful social phenomena | accidental poisonings | intestinal bypass  | loop gastric bypass | vertical gastroplasty  | gastric banding | standard preparation for surgery | surgery-related risks | perioperative care | Roux-en-Y gastric bypass | apnea-induced circulatory arrest | metabolic bone disease  | protein-calorie malnutrition | anastomosis leakage  | resolution of co-morbidities | European Assotiation for Endoscopic Surgery | way of poisonong | posterior pole average thickness  | follicular | bulky disease | WaldenstromÂ’s macroglobulinemia | hematologic malignancy | precursor cell | hospital-acquired pneumonia  | procalcitonin {PCT}  | coagulation disorders  | critical care | analgosedation | remiphentanil | respiratory disorders | bronchoalveolar lavage fluid | resorptional atelectasis  | obstructional atelectasis  | pulmonary surfactant | feto-maternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia  | cordocentesis | alloimmune thrombocytopenia  | fetal thrombocytopenia  | latent tuberculosis infection | ventricular ectopy | conduction disorder | cardiac symptoms | respiratory minute volume | ventillation | minute ventillation | avulsive | avulsion injuries  | vein grafts | complete amputation  | ring avulsion injury | syndactyly | arterial perforator  | nerve conduits | medial canthus | trapeziometacarpal joint of the thumb  | shave biopsy | punch biopsy | wedge biopsy | excisional biopsy  | confocal microscopy  | acidophil adenocarcinoma | Brooke tumor | calcifying epithelioma of Melherbe | Di Guglielmo disease | dysplastic nevus | cardiovascular catheter  | perforator | urethral stent  | anacrotic wave | dicrotic wave | dicrotic pulse | caprizant pulse | jerky pulse | intermittent pulse | salt sensitive hypertension | organogenesis | membranous nephropathy | hydration state | uremic peripheral neuropathy | insulin resistance of skeletal muscle | sarcopenia | high-tone external muscle stimulation {HTEMS} | kidney cancer | hepatic carcinoma | penile carcinoma | immunocytoma | extranodal marginal zone MALT lymphoma | chronic idiopathic urticaria | autoimmune urticaria | progressive systemic sclerosis | benign monoclonal gammopathy | drug resistant epilepsy | brain receptors | nonconvulsive status epilepticus  | autonomic disturbances | systemic connective tissue disorders | systemic connective tissue diseases  | acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy {AIDP} | cooling techniques | intrauterine growth retardation  | rhinophyma | chronic autoimmune urticaria | functional state of the central nervous system | sessile polyp | sunlight | sunscreen | luminal membrane | LeÅ›niowski-Crohn disease  | toe-to-hand transfer | thumb reconstruction | trimmed hallux method | verteporfin | electroresection | acromegaly | Cushing´s disease | steroidogenesis inhibitors | free thyroxine | octreotide | thyrotropinoma | cervical pain | Riedel´s thyroiditis | surgical orbit decompression | orbital radiotherapy | ocular muscle surgery | incidentaloma | adrenal incydentaloma | autoimmune primary adrenal insufficiency | secondary adrenal insufficiency | complete Freund's adjuvant  | hyperandrogenism | anovulation | polycystic ovaries  | polycystic ovary syndrome | functional ovarian hyperandrogenism {FOH} |
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