Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

Templates | Tensic® Lingual Arches – Mushroom Arch Form | Tensic® White Wire | Tensic® Wires | Tension and Compression Gauge | Tension and Compression Springs | Thermomat Wax Knife | Thermo-wax® Blocking Wax | Thread | Three Dimensional Screw | Three Prong Pliers | Tin Foil | tomas®-pin and Anchorage System | Tooth Brush | Transfer System | Transfer System, Orthorama® | Transparent Template | Trapezoidal Expansion Screw | Trays with Lids and Inserts | Triangular Clasps | Trimmer | Trimmer Discs | Tubes | Tubes, Stainless Steel | Tungsten Electrodes | Tweed Brackets | Tweed Pliers | Twisted Wires. | Typodont Unit | Ultra-Minitrim® Brackets | Ultratrimm® Brackets | Universal Bending Key | Uprighting Springs | Variety Expasion Screw | Wax Bases | Wax Marking Pencil | Wedge Ruler | Weingart Pliers | Welding Service | Welding Units | White Gold Solder | White Wires and Arches | Wire | Wire Bending Pliers | Wires | Wires and Arches | X-Ray Viewer | Young Loop Bending Pliers | Beerendonk Dental Vernier | Bicuspid Bands | bioburden | Cat-Scratch Disease | Infection test | Neuroendoscope | meatus | Biopsy forceps | Capsule Endoscopes | Preservative in-can | Urinary meatus | auditory meatus | acoustic meatus | External auditory meatus | External acoustic meatus | Mandrel for Emery Cloth | Bone Mineral Content {BMC} | herpes genitalis | mosculum contagiosum | condylomata acuminata | condylomata lata | pediculosus pubis | gonorrhoea | hypwerplasia planoepitheliale | bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy {BSO} | unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy {USO} | geniune stress incontinence {GSI} | detrusor instability {DI} | mixed incontinence | surgical treatment | urgency | stress incontinence | overactive bladder | transcutaneus electric nerve stimulation {TENS} | criteria of diagnosis of diabetes | hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-a | insulin promoter factor 1 | maternally inherited | maternally inherited diabetes with deafness {MIDD} | hypolipidemic drugs | medical nutrition therapy | advenced glycation end-products {AGE} | diabetic foot | progress in treatment | hormone replacement treatment | resorption/ protection balance | hypercortysolemia | social disease | decrease in bone tissue mass | intakt PTH | PTH related peptyde | opthalmopathy | steroid therapy | orbitopathy | maintenance treatment | therapeutic modalities | surgical decompression of the orbit | locoregional | recovery position | lymphokine-activated killers {LAK} | macrophage activating factor {MAF} | macrophage procoagulant inducing factor {MPIF} | radioimmunoassay {RIA} | homologous restriction factor {HRF} | decay accelerating factor {DAF} | migration inhibition factor {MIF} | nitroblue tetrazolinum (test) {NBT} | combined immunodeficiency {CID} | adenosine deaminase deficiency | haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome | hantavirus pulmonary syndrome {HPS} | cystitis | interstitial cystitis | bladder wash | benign prostatic enlargement | hyperplasia | wa-wa watchful waiting | transurethal resection of prostate | good clinical practice | vasoactive system | liver transplantation | hypoperfusion | arterial vasoconstriction | biologically active agents | thorough history | eosinophillic gastroenteritis | abnormalities of gastrointestinal tract | eosinophilic infiltration of gut wall | allergic origin | "silent" sensitisation | cow's milk protein allergy | transient gluten intolerance | cot death | potential coeliac disease | atypical coeliac disease | toddler's diarrhoea | mixing area | mixing tank | samplingpoints of hot water for injection | piping after storage tank of WFI | bottle washing maschine | Top Loading Balance | piping before storage tank of WFI | air-fed | traumatic hyphema | bone conduction {BC} | cold to opposite and warm to the same {COWS} | conditioned orientation response {COR} | visual response audiometry {VRA} | speech reception threshold {STR} | small for gestational age {SGA} | trepanoma pallidum immobilisation {TPI} | pull-through | prune-belly syndrome | fetal alcohol syndrome | nine-day measles; morbili | enteric cytopathic human orphan {ECHO} | basic four food groups | food guide pyramid | video-assisted thoracidcsurgery {VATS} | continous positive airway pressure {CPAP} | bilevel positive airway pressure {BiPAP} | high frequency ventilation {HFV} | inverse ratio ventilation {IVR} | panacinar emphysema {PAE} | centrilobular emphysema {CLE} | positive end-respiratory pressure {PEEP} | low dose unfractionated heparin {LDUH} | intermittent pneumatic compression {IPC} | antineutrophil cytoplasmatic antibodies {ANCA} | idiopatic pulmonary fibrosis {IPF} | video-assisted thoracoscopy {VAT} | desquamative interstitial pneumonia {DIP} | acute interstitial pneumonia {AIP} | bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia {BOOP} | barotrauma | jugular venous pulse {JVP} | right ventricular hypertrophy {RVH} | pulmonary artery wedge pressure {PAWP} | left ventricular end-diastolic pressure {LVEDP} | left/ right ventricular stroke work {RVSW/ LVSW} | preload | ventricular etopic beats {VEB} | overdrive pacing | ventricular tachycardia {VT} | fusion beats | capture beats | percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty {PTA} | year of life saved {YLS} | quality adjusted life year {QUALY} | partial ileal bypass | scavanger receptor / scavenger receptor |
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