Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

nuclear membrane | ribosomes | cell wall | cytoplasmic region | inclusion | cycloplegia | carotid artery dissection | coffer dam | watchfulness | internal carotid artery dissection | cytoplasm | peptidoglycan | periplasm | predatory protozoa | electron transport system {ETS} | photophosphorylation | lipopolysaccharides | obligate aerobic | Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension {DASH} | Likert scale  | hip replacement  | human carcinoma antygen {HCA}; {Hca}; {hca}  | transvenous  | haemocompatibility  | gay bowel syndrome | anaerobic glycolysis | reproductive cycle | sporulation | pathogen | invasins | host defense mechanisms | exotoxins | endotoxins | colonization | carbohydrate residues | peptide residues | glycolipids | enteropathogenic E. coli {EPEC} | clathrin | enterocyte | perigenual anterior cingulate cortex {pACC} | development  | medium  | tuberosity  | passive motion  | toxic epidermal necrolysis {TEN}  | toxic shock syndrome toxin | alimentary tract | anterior cerebrospinal tract | anterior pyramidal tract | ascending tract | association tracts | auditory tract | cerebellorubral tract | cerebrospinal tract | comma tract | corticospinal tract  | descending tract | digestive tract | dorsolateral tract | frontopontine tract | genital tract | habenular tract | internodal tract | lateral cerebrospinal tract | lateral pyramidal tract | mesencephalic tract of the trigeminal nerve | motor tract | nerve tract | olfactory tract | olivocerebellar tract | olivospinal tract | pyramidal tract  | reticulospinal tract | rubrospinal tract | sensory tract | septomarginal tract | solitary tract | spinal tract | spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve | spinocerebellar tract  | spino-olivary tract | spinotectal tract | spinothalamic tract | tectobulbar tract | tectospinal tract | tegmentum | temporofrontal tract | temporopontine tract | olivary body | vestibulospinal tract | isodose | adherence | facultative anaerobic | motile phagocytic cell | optic tract | progenitor strains | stretch-shortening cycle {SSC} | cell envelope | murein | obligate anaerobic | pathogenicity | prokaryotes | urinary tract | serosa | lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma | chesty cough | trichrome stain | syncytiotrophoblasts | enterococci | tissue tropism | exogenous | encephalopathy | vitamin synthesis | gnotobiotic | trophic effect | immunostimulatory effect | absorption of nutrients | nutrient | bacteriocin | Peyer's patches | carcinogen | staphylococcus | synergism | induced breast cancer stem cells {iBCSC} | induced pluripotent stem cells {iPSC} | Short chain fatty acids {SCFA} | proctectomy | transversospinalis | surgical | dispensary | zymogens | lucency | house surgeon | occupational therapy | temple  | osteophyte | seroma  | proteus  | gnaw | endovascular | elastosis | metabolic state  | coliflower  | germ-free animals | bacterial antibiotic resistance | translocation | metabolic pathway | biosynthetic pathway | bacteriostatic | spectrum of activity | minimum inhibitory concentration {MIC} | minimum bactericidal concentration {MBC} | MBC / MIC ratio | plasmidic | chromosomal | bacterial resistance | bactericidal | facet joints | gastrocnemius aponeurosis | aponeurosis | free tendon | gastrocnemius | longitudinal displacement | isometric contraction | calcaneal tendon | soleus muscle | dorsiflexion | overriding  | medial femoral condyle (MFC)  | contractile muscle force | mechanical stiffness | anterior tibialis muscle | electromyographic activity | tendinous displacement | tendon force | cross-sectional area | epiphysiodesis  | crude  | Achilles tendon | betalactamase | beta-lactamic antibiotic | phosphotransferase | active dose | therapeutic index | ototoxicity | injectable | penicillinase-resistant penicillins | oxacillin | aminopenicillins | deflection  | antitrypsin  | cystathionine synthase  | herniation  | antecubital  | neuropraxia  | whole-brain radiation therapy  | fibroids | hot flash | loss of libido |
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