Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

malnutrition-realted diabetes mellitus  | Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome  | cystathioninuria | cystinosis | cystynuria | trigonocephaly | acrocephaly | balloon cell melanoma  | chemotherapy session for neoplasm  | citrullinaemia | gonarthrosis | arthroplasty | isometric exercise | additional implant | recurrences | tumour-like lesions of bone | haemosiderin deposits | hemosiderin deposits | overload pain | cystic defects | multinucleated giant cells | tenderness | endarteritis | proliferative endarteritis  | endarteritis obliterans  | defectus fibrosus | foci of disordered fibrous tissue | pain at rest | pre-operative contracture of the knee | preoperative range of knee flexion | tumor-related pathological fracture | laser bio-stimulation | pathomorphological tests | point values | fibrogenetic function of fibroblasts | bio-stimulating laser therapy | cyclothymia | frozen cortico-cancellous allografts | locomotor | multilocular nature | osmic tetroxide | post-operative rehabilitation | single monofilament knotted sutures | sledge microtome | spinal dysraphy  | chronic neurological conditions | analgesic pharmacotherapy | palliative patient | manual massage | thermotherapy | standing up | walking stick | hand splints | corset | wheelchair | Karnofsky Performance Scale | Rotterdam Symptom Checklist | Adaptation to Neoplastic Disease | muscle proteins | crutches | palliative state | subepithelial connective tissue | walker | bony union | experimental procedure | transplant recipient | Tinnel`s sign | Rush pins | Pulvertaft suture | monofilament suture | continuous intravenous infusion | dynamic crane outrigger extension splint | dynamics of physical activity | epineural sutures | excursion | global grip strength | hand transplant {HT} | common stem cell | orthotopic marrow | heterotopic osteogenesis | fibrodysplasia ossificans | progressive fibrodysplasia ossificans | osteoprogenitor cells | skeletal tissues | adipocyte transcription factor | transdifferentiation | osteogenic markers | double mattress suture | hematopoietic cell niche | mesenchymal stem cells | Botryoid sarcoma | chromophobe adenocarcinoma  | dedifferentiated liposarcoma | fascial fibroma | gangliocytic paraganglioma  | hemangioblastic meningioma  | immature teratoma | jugulotympanic paraganglioma  | Krukenberg tumor | lipid-rich carcinoma  | magnocellular nevus  | nerve sheath myxoma | odontogenic fibrosarcoma  | Cobb angle  | Mehta angle  | apical vertebral rotation  | Risser test  | somato-sensory evoked potentials | tibial nerves | progressive scoliosis | one-curve scoliosis | two-curve scoliosis | three-plane trunk mobilization | sensory pathways | postural muscles | posture pattern | posture reeducation | antigravitational muscles | back extensor muscles | syndrome of contractures  | abduction contracture  | syringomyelia | hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma | primary cutaneous large-cell lymphoma | blastic plasmocytoid dendritic cell neoplasm | modern diagnostic methods  | pre-surgery rehabilitation  | post-surgery sociotherapy  | preoperative chemotherapy  | distant survival rate  | vindesine  | incidentaloma  | cefotaksym | Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome  | nibrin  | teniposide  | flexibility | basic sensory integration | handgrip test on the dynamometer | pemetrexed | erlotinib | best supportive care {BSC} | squamous cell carcinoma | pack-years | survival probability | high motor activity | single leg stance | epithelioid cell melanoma  | mixed epitheliod and spindle cell melanoma  | melanoma in situ  | desmoplastic melanoma, malignant  | malignant melanoma of trunk, anal skin  | malignant melanoma of trunk, perianal skin  | malignant melanoma of scalp  | malignant melanoma in junctional naevus  | malignant melanoma in giant pigmented naevus  | malignant melanoma, regressing  | polycythaemia, benign  | stereotactic neurosurgery | stereotactic surgery  | encephalitis lethargica  | pallidotomy | radiosurgical thalamotomy | resting tremor | postural stability disturbances | thermocoagulation | electrode implantation  | thalamic neuromodulation | trephine opening | local anaesthesia | anticoagulants | post-operative complications | acoustic neurinomas  | neurinomatosis | muscle rigidity | spindle cell melanoma  | malignant melanoma in precancerous melanosis  | osteosynthesis | cerebellopontine angle  | cerebellopontine angle tumour | vestibulocochlear nerve | malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor  | benign proliferative process  | hypoacusis | unilateral hypoacusia | facial numbness  | masseter  | precancerous melanosis  | swallowing disturbances | dysphagy  | odynophagia  | aphagia  | brainstem | cranial nerves  | superficial spreading melanoma | imaging tests of the brain | translabyrinthine approach  | retromammillary suboccipital craniotomy | motor function of facial  | conduction of auditory stimuli  |
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