Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96834 hase³ (48417 polskich, 48417 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

techniques of pancreaticojejunostomy | extended lymphadenectomy | unresectable pancreatic cancer | neuronal damage | spontaneous sleep | paradoxical sleep | taper off the doses | grooming behavior(u)r | gastrointestinal motility | itopride hydrochloride | myenteric plexus | hydrolysis of the acetylcholine | acetylcholinesterase | portal hypertension in schistosomiasis | nutritional status | Cole’s index | body mass rate {BMR] | (body) fat-free mass | total body water percentage | extracellular fluid | biliary cirrhosis | postoperative immune disorders | immunonutrition | Postherpetic neuralgia {PHN} | intrauterine pregnancy | manual vacuum aspiration | vacuum aspiration | gestational sac | alanine transferase activity | course of infection | antiviral treatment | health-related quality of life | symptoms related to the disease and its treatment | cholangiopancreatography | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography {ERCP} | magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography {MRCP} | primary sclerosing cholangitis | retroperitoneal space | haemangiosarcoma | confocal microscope | enterochromaffin cells' hyperplasia | chronic inflammatory lesions | health care services | National Health Fund | inability to work | visceral perfusion | gastric tonometry | visceral perfusion impairment | sodium butyrate | colonocytes | trophic role | proapoptotic role | cytoprotective role | anti-inflammatory role | trigeminal neuralgia {TN} | hepatic cirrhosis | oesophageal variceal bleeding | haemodynamic stabilization | portal pressure | rebleeding prevention | primary bleeding prophylaxis | organs of the digestive system | sulindac | acute fatty liver of pregnancy | urea breath test | triple-drug eradication therapy | extraversion | relationship with the partner | extra-intestinal manifestation | destructive disease | differentiated clinical expression | intestinal inflammation | neonatal screening programme | standardized body weight | exocrine pancreatic function | expression of bronchopulmonary disease | body weight deficit | exocrine pancreatic insufficiency | conductometric sweat test | calprotectin | toxicoinfection | crushing injury of trachea  | injury of thoracic trachea  | injury of iliac artery  | injury of dorsal artery of foot  | injury of mesenteric artery  | injury of ulnar artery at wrist level  | injury of ulnar artery  | injury of ulnar artery at forearm level  | ulnar artery  | Injury of uterine artery  | uterine artery  | axillary artery  | injury of axillary artery  | tibial artery  | injury of tibial artery  | injury of anterior tibial artery  | injury of posterior tibial artery  | injury of plantar artery of foot  | injury of popliteal artery  | popliteal artery | injury of subclavian artery  | infective diarrhoea  | class I helical cytokines  | iatrogenic sigmoid colon perforation | diagnostic colonoscopy | endoscopic clips | colonoscopic-related perforation | the most severe complication | high rates of morbidity | high rates of mortality | endoscopic repair of iatrogenic colonic perforation | haemobilia | endovascular artery occlusion with embolization coils | endoscopic control of the biliary tract | palpebral fissure | micrognatia | cortico-subcortical differentiation | processed meat | haem iron | eaten raw | plant fats | neoadjuvant treatment  | role of nutrition  | oral mucosa condition | aphthous stomatitis | recurrent aphthous stomatitis | non-smokers | white coated tongue | atrophic glossitis | growth impairment | rectal bleeding | classic triad of symptoms | ileocaecal localization | asthma control degree | acid GER (gastrointestinal reflux) | non-acid GER (gastrointestinal reflux) | mixed GER mixed GER | hypokinesis | hypokinesia | interneuron | hypogastric | pectoral muscle | troclosene | response latency | common variable immunodeficiency | open lung biopsy | streptococcal sepsis | chest X-ray | parenchymal consolidations | air bronchogram | massive parenchymal consolidations | bundle branch blocks | internode | primiparity | insonation | venacavography | vein caval inferior | focal neurologic signs  | craniosynostosis  | asthma exacerbations  | atopic diseases  | ipratropium bromide | pharmacogenetic analysis | muscarinic type 2 receptor gene {CHRM2} | treatment outcome | treatment completed | treatment defaulted | treatment failure | culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis | nonalcoholic fatty liver {NAFL} | Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis {PFIC} | high-fructose corn syrup {HFCS} | idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension | high-resolution computed tomography | ground-glass opacifications | centrilobular nodules | univariate analysis | thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension | mosaic perfusion | ground-glass | emotional functioning | task-oriented style | emotion-oriented style | avoidance-oriented style | Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations {CISS} | Mood Adjective Check List | Asthma Control Test | diagnostic procedure renunciation  | coping with stress | uncoupling protein  | lymphocyte balance | genetic predispositions | bacterial lypopolysaccharide | lypopolysaccharide | fluorochrome-labelled monoclonal antibodies | intracellular expression | immunohistochemistry method  | squamous cell lung cancer | molecular profile |
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