Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

myrtle | oregano | Scots pine | sandalwood | thyme | juniper | lavender | membrane transporters | meniscus | periostitis | savory | highway hypnosis | percolator | perichondritis | prizefighter ear | boxer's ear | cauliflower ear | renal unit | fat depot | tryptophan | biochemical characteristics | glucosidase | lipid assimilation | biochemical variability | cylindrical cells | lipid dependent strains | ornamental birds | birds of prey | captivity | enilconazole | broiler | rodents | antimycogramm | clinical dermatophytosis | degu | Sneddon-Wilkinson disease | zoonosis | infant directed speech | cell plate  | fungal diseases | eutrophication | saprolegniosis | branchiomicosis | carrier | micosis | polyene macrolide antibiotics | hachimycin | mycotoxin | aflatoxin | neurotoxicosis  | hepatotoxicosis  | filamentation  | griseofulvin | dermatitis miliaris  | cyclic follicular dysplasia  | cluster | saprolegniasis | cuspal | frenulum | sanitization | calculus | Vanishing twin syndrome {VTS} | acenaphthylene | acenaphthene | fluorene | phenanthrene | fluoranthene | ontocenose  | survivability | intravital staining | droplet technique | smear technique | inspiratory stridor | expiratory stridor | Cajal cell | cardiac sphincter  | tumorogenicity  | esophageal atresia | octenidine | chlorosis | acromio clavicular joint | tendinosis | corpus pineale | epiphysis cerebri | breast screening | chronotherapy  | photodynamic effect  | calciferous mycosis  | fusariosis  | tuber dry rot  | contagious diseases  | maduromycosis  | tranquilliser | lubricant eye | lean body | central vision | tendovaginitis | borage oil | monosomy | bronchodilation | melanomatosis | melanomata | photodynamic therapy  | pulmonologist | amphotericine  | haematuria  | fecundity  | fertility  | practitioner  | genotyping | chromosomal DNA | reaction buffer | thermocycler | exponential phase | iso-amyl alcohol | probiotic preparation | antibiotic resistance | ambiguous result | cefuroxime | imipenem | cilastin | cefoxitin | clinical outcome | growth rate | Meissner's plexus | diarthrodial joint | forefoot | underlying cause | aggrecans | thecal sac | occipitofrontal | Nugent scoring  | sexual behavior  | bronchoconstrictor | antisialagogue | sialagogue | detrusor | lesser horn | parenteral | fertility index | intracellular calcium concentration | calcium concentration | cytocompatibility | Listeriolysin O {LLO} | glacial acetic acid | unhydrous | teriparatide | metacresol | bilag {British Isles Lupus Assessment Group} | lactones  | ketones  | diols  | developmental medicine | dream | hip flexor | xantoma | amphotericin  | gelatin capsules | nebulizer | pineal gland | echinocandins | semisynthetic lipopeptide | Oleum pichtae  | anidulafungin | brain metastases | source of infection | rf ablation | prothrombotic | duodenal cup | fester | Recombinant Inbred Strains {RIS} | Recombinant Congenic Strains [RCS} | germ free strains {GF} | hepatorenal syndrome {HRS} | beading of ribs  | ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters{ABC} | bile salt hydrolase {BSH} | fructo-oligosaccharides {FOS} | phosphotransferase system {PTS}  | thioredoxin reductase  | tachyphylaxis  | exfoliation syndrome {ES}  | bigorexia | Calicivirosis, Calicivirus Infection | Oral Rehydratation Therapy {ORT} | adenomyomatosis  | idiopathic granulomatous disease | pulmonary fungal infections | pulmonary invasive fungal infections | semi invasive aspergillosis | inguinal crease  | inguinal fold  | neural tube  | neural deafness  | nerve deafness  | sensorineural deafness  | cochlear ganglion  | age-related deafness  | presbyacousia | small round structured viruses {SRSV} |
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