Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

Testicle | Testes | Hemianencephaly | Congenital absence of small intestine | Congenital absence of large intestine | Large intestine | Congenital absence of ileum | Absence of uvula | Uvula | Aglossia | Acquired absence of leg at or below knee | Leg | Acquired absence of leg above knee | Congenital complete absence of lower limbs | Lower limb | Acquired absence of upper and lower limbs (any level) | Upper limb | Congenital complete absence of upper limbs | Acquired absence of limb | Cementum / cement | Absence of skull bone, congenital | Skull | Skull bone | Congenital absence of vertebra | Absence of larynx | Congenital absence of uterus | Congenital absence of (ear) auricle | Primary amenorrhoea | Amenorrhoea | Secondary amenorrhoea | Absence of muscle | Absent ureter | Congenital absence of sternum | Sternum | Congenital absence of anus with fistula | Lack of adequate food | Lack of relaxation and leisure | Relaxation | Leisure | Absence of bronchus | Congenital atrichosis | Atrichia | Acquired absence of finger(s), unilateral | Congenital absence of bladder | Congenital absence of gallbladder | Gallbladder | Congenital absence of lobe of ear | Lobe of ear / ear lobe | Lobe | Acquired absence of lung (part of) | Congenital absence of lung (lobe) | Congenital absence of vagina | Vagina | Absence of epiglottis | Epiglottis | Acquired absence of other organs | Acquired absence of genital organs | Genital | Congenital absence of respiratory organ | Rspiratory organ | Acquired absence of kidney | Kidney | Congenital absence of nose | Nose | Failure rotation of caecum | Failure rotation of colon | Development | Physiological development | Congenital absence of rectum without fistula | Rectum | Congenital absence of rectum with fistula | Congenital absence of anus without fistula | coefficient of determination | bedding | rear | chemistry | variance (genotypic variance; genetic variance) | limonene | geraniol | perfume | propylene | paullinia cupana/ paulinia guarana | citrus aurantium | panthenol | low fat | deep fried | sea | vegetation | combined sewer system | sewer | herbaceous | tassel | oxidoreductase | cat | chlorocatechol | Congenital absence of both lower leg and foot | Primary | Elective agalactia | Hemicephaly | Sexal desire | Ablepharon | Absence of spermatic cord | Congenital absence of penis | Congenital absence of both forearm | Forearm | Congenital absence of forearm with hand present | Absent oesophagus | Congenital absence of ear | Foot | Therapeutic agalactia | Lack of sexual desire | Absence of diaphragm | Acquired absence of other parts of digestive tract | Congenital absence of auditory canal (external) | Auditory canal | Absence of salivary duct | Salivary duct | Anhedonia (sexual) | Absence of punctum lacrimale | Punctum lacrimale | Congenital absence of upper arm with hand present | Upper arm | Failure of genital response | Genital response | Failure of cervical dilatation | Cervical dilatation | Congenital absence of patella | Patella | Congenital absence of cilia | Congenital aphakia | Congenital absence of vulva | Vulva | Acquired absence of foot and ankle | Congenital absence of foot and toes | Toes | Acquired absence of breast | Congenital absence of cervix | Congenital absence of tendon | Tendon | Asplenia, congenital | Asplenia | Aplasia of thyroid (with myxoedema) | Thyroid | Umbilical | Absence of Eustachian tube | Personal history of poor personal hygiene | Congenital absence of pancreas | Congenital absence of thigh and lower leg with foot present | Congenital absence of liver | Rhinencephalon | Postpartum afibrinogaemia | Acquired absence of part of stomach | Broad ligament (of uterus) | Rib | Congenital absence of broad ligament | Stomach | Azoospermia | Cluttering | Papilloma | Verrucous papilloma | Plantar or palmar papilloma of yaws | Plantar | Palmar | Yaw | Papillomatosis | Intraductal papillomatosis | Papilloma of urinary bladder | Squamous cell papilloma | Squamous | Serous surface papillary carcinoma | Papillary | Carcinoma | Choroid plexus papilloma, malignant | Intraductal papilloma | Transitional cell papilloma, inverted | Urothelium | Transitional cell papilloma | Transitional cell | Verruca peruana | Verruca vulgaris | Vulgaris | Verruca acuminata | Verruca simplex | Verruca | Verruca senile | Supernumerary breast | Verruca necrogenica | Supernumerary | Reticular | Reticulated papillomatosis | Multiple papillomata yaws | Anogenital (venereal) warts | Anogenital | Viral warts | Viral | Brucellosis due to Bacillus melitensis | Bacillus melitensis | Brucellosis due to Bacillus canis | Bacillus canis | Brucellosis due to Bacillus abortus bovis |
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