Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96834 hase³ (48417 polskich, 48417 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

crural trifurcation | crural | crus | trifurcation | neuropilin - {NRP}  | dissemination | proteolytic activity | neoangiogenesis | intravasation | serine proteinases | endoglin | transforming growth factor b {TGFb} | energy homeostasis  | leptin receptors  | platelet factor-4 – {PF-4} | Bcl-2 protein family (Bcl = B-cell lymphoma) | IAP proteins (IAP = inhibitory apoptosis protein) | granzymes | mitochondrion | cytoplasmic factor Apaf-1 (Apaf = apoptotic protease activating factor) | procaspase | caspase cascade | endonucleases | experimental conditions  | phosphatidylcholine | phosphodiester bond | intracellular lipid mediator | lysophosphatidic acid {LPA} | pyrophosphatidic acid | phospholipase | intracellular signal transduction | endocytosis | potocytosis | cell migration | mitosis | phosphatidylinositol | amino-acid sequence homology  | formaldehyde dehydrogenase  | anthracycline antibiotics | endoplasmic reticulum {ER} | transmembrane glycoprotein | proprioreceptive  | proprioreceptor  | proprioceptor  | target molecules  | oxidative injury  | neuroprotection  | pigment epithelium derived factor {PEDF}  | neurotrophic effect  | antiangiogenic effect  | active immunotherapy  | neoplasmatic cells  | costimulatory molecules  | glycosaminoglycans {GAGs} | mucopolysaccharides (dawna nazwa - obecnie wychodzi z użycia) | ophthalmopathy | Graves' ophthalmopathy  | thyroid eye disease (TED) | Graves' orbitopathy | clinical endocrinology | heteropolysaccharide | chromosome territories  | dysthyroid/ thyroid-associated orbitopathy {TAO} | immunosuppressive treatment | annular  | treatment-emergent  | resuscitate  | tissue specific | nuclear architecture | genes actively transcribed | chromosome topology | epigenetic factor | transferrin receptor (TfR) | iron regulatory proteins {IPRs} | iron responsive element {IRE} | duodenal enterocytes | neurodegeneration | transferrin receptor | end-stage renal disease {ESRD}  | seronegative arthritis  | dopamine receptor agonists  | platelet-derived microvesicles {PMV}  | platelet-microparticles {PMP}  | apoptotic endothelial cells  | podocytes | focal-segmental glomerulosclerosis {FSGS} | neprilysin | endothelial cells | membrane metallo-endopeptidase, | common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen {CALLA} | neutral endopeptidase{NEP} | oxidative DNA damage | sinonasal | blind variation | selective retention | phosphatidic acid | reticuloendothelial macrophages | tissue-specific antigen | untranslated regions {UTR} | visceral epithelial cells | mesangial cells | Plummer's disease  | toxic nodular struma  | slit diaphragm | markers of maturity | maturity markers | markers of differentiation | glomerular filtration barrier | cell body | human obesity  | hereditary hemochromatosis {HH} | genetic metabolic disease  | iron absorption  | iron uptake  | Krabbe disease  | intracellular neurofibrillary tangles | progressive neurodegenerative disorder | influx | cytokine induction | pretibial myxedema  | fibroblast activation  | catalase | antimicrobial effects | sidebar | reservior | avoparcin | nourseothricin {NTC} | nourseotricin | short-term survival | chronic rejection | immunological tolerance | immune tolerance | transplant tolerance | alloantigen | immunological tolerance induction | clonal deletion | clonal anergy | microchimerism phenomenon | active suppression | non-classical risk factors | classical risk factors | scavenger receptor | thrombospondins | neoplastic angiogenesis | modified lipoproteins | foam cells | expression of metalloproteinases | hairpin configuration  | jerboa | lesser Egyptian jerboa | lesser jerboa | smaller jerboa | small jerboa | aardvark | lipopolysaccharide {LPS} | Gram-negative bacteria | outer membrane | core oligosaccharide | alditol acetate | glycosidic linkages | ester derivatives | transferrin | transferrin isoforms | disialotransferrin | asialotransferrin | monosialo transferrin | carbohydrate-deficient transferrin {CDT} | desialylated transferrin | chronic alcohol abuse | capillary electrophoresis | implantation | endometrium | implantation window | receptive endometrium | secretory phase | leukemia inhibiting factor | luteal phase deficiency | pinopodes | differentiation markers | senile plaques | nurseotricin | toxic nodular goiter  | oxidized LDL {oxLDL} | drug accountability | accountability | antipyresis | slap | poisoning | Bassini`s operation | Bucky diaphragm | Bucky screen | cytoskeleton | actin filaments | microtubules | intermediate filaments | cell shape | cytoskeletal proteins | vimentin | forbol esters | pathways of signal transduction |
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