Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

numbness | tributary | phlebectomy | pradofloxacin | enrofloxacin | overridding | overlapping | melitin | irritability | revitalisation | arteriole | tetrahydropalmatine {THP} | physostigmine | dendrite | iliopsoas | triglyceride | haemorrhoid | febrifuge | pustule | jugular | turmeric | Hereditary retinal dystrophy | horsetail | huperzine A | stress echocardiography | Abbreviated Injury Scale {AIS} | Acceptance of Illness{AIS} | acute transverse myelitis {ATM} | anti-endothelial cell antibodies {AECA} | antiprothrombin antibodies {aPT} | antyphospholipid syndrome {APS} | Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid | Coats' disease | creatine kinase MB isoenzyme {CK-MB} | cross-linking agent | cytoplasmic anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies {cANCA} | epicardia echocardiography | Injury Severity Score {ISS} | intracardiac echocardiography {ICE} | intracoronary ultrasound {ICUS} | juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus {JSLE} | osteoarthritis {OA} | plasma ascorbate level | soluble intercellular adhesive molekule 1 {sICAM-1} | soluble vascular adhesion molecule-1 {sVCAM-1} | Systemic Assessment for Treatment Emergent Events {SAFTEE} | Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System {TISS} | treatment emergency symptom scale (TESS) | Unusual thrombotic-like retinopathy | vascular insufficiency | Coat\' disease | myocardial contrast echocardiography | real-time 3-dimensional echocardiography | 3-dimensional (gated) reconstruction | pulsed wave Doppler {PW} | tissue cracking {TT} | continuous wave Doppler {CW} | dendritic cell {DC} | requisition | perineuritis | ectopy | vinblastine | dysentery | mental impairment | white blood cells | agranulocytes | vinpocentine | harm | immunosupressive properties | vasculitis | non-invasive diagnostic methods | selenium-dependent glutatione peroxides {GSH-px} | corticosteroid therapy | serological parameters | Wilson criteria | ARA criteria | antiphospholpid antibodies {aPL}{aPL abs} | E-selectins | bone fractures | low frequency magnetic field  | once daily  | gait | gait analysis | patellofemoral joint | functional analysis | gait evaluation | internal compensation | biodegradation | subgroup | peptic ulcer | supraspinal | palatability | target molecule {TM} | pharyngitis | zoledronic acid | effective dose  | introne  | erythema infectiosum | Automatic border detection {ABD} | cadiac output {CO} | breast cancer resistance protein BCRP | color kinesis, | high pulse repetition frequency {HARF} | human telomerase reverse transcriptase | kinetic imaging | left ventricular ejection fraction {LVEF} | left ventricular end-diastolic area {LVDA} | left ventricular fractional shortening {LVSF} | multiple drug resistance | octamer-binding transcription factor Oct-4 | polycomb family transcriptional repressor Bmi1 | Right ventricular end-diastolic area {RVDA} | right ventricular ejection fraction {RVEF} | right ventricular fractional shortening {RVSF} | self-renewing | tissue acceleration | tissue Doppler echocardiography {TDE} | tissue Doppler imaging {TDI} | tissue synchronization imaging | hemostasis  | homeostasis  | musculoskeletal ultrasound  | soft tissue rheumatism  | rotator cuff syndrome  | ortesis  | specificity | pathomechanisms  | pulmonary complications | pleurisy | pleuritis  | screening tests  | Disease Activity Score {DAS 28} | disability | deformities  | human cartilage glycoprotein 39  | migration factor  | artifactual | Cutis laxa senilis | Graphite fibrosis (of lung) | Dislocation of radial head | Dislocation of toe | Dislocation of sacroiliac joint | Dislocation of sternoclavicular joint | Dislocations involving pelvis | Dystrophy, choroidal (central areolar) (generalized) (peripapillary) | Endomyocardial (tropical) fibrosis | Fibrosis of pancreas | flulike symptoms | immunoreaction | Internal bleeding haemorrhoids | microcentrifuge | motor organ | neonatal anaemia | octadecenoic acid (syst.) | octadecadienoic acid (syst.) | Oesophageal varices with bleeding | parent tumor | Pigmentary pallidal degeneration | plain film | Siderosis | Subinvolution of uterus | groggy | Multi-system degeneration | Polypoid sinus degeneration | hemosiderosis  | autoantibodies | tarivid | rumination | functional vomiting | air temperature | relative humidity | atmospheric pressure | locomotor system | everyday activities | pain intensity  | hydroxychloroquine | noncaseating granulomatous  | Sydenham’s chorea  | unilateral spinal anesthesia  | episcleritis  | uvea  | SAPHO syndrome  | cryoglobulins  | cryoglobulinemia  | clinical markers  | stromelysin  | Reiter’s syndrome  | angiofibroma | Angioma serpiginosum | Benign hypertension | Pulmonary primary hypertension | Pulmonary idiopathic hypertension | Essential (primary) hypertension | Pre-existing essential (primary) hypertension complicating pregnancy | Neonatal hypertension | Pre-existing hypertension with superimposed proteinuria | Pre-existing hypertension with superimposed pre-eclampsia | Unspecified maternal hypertension | Secondary hypertension | Hypertension secondary to endocrine disorders |
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