Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

osteoradionecrosis | head of the bone | osteoclastoma | schindylesis | bony ankylosis | setting | Stryker's saw | rotary saw | pachycephalia | Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors {GEP/ NET} | Nutritional Risk Screening {NRS 2002} | maintenance phase | up dosing phase | population-based case-control study | population-based | longitudinal observation | Forced expiratory volume in one second {FEV1 } | peak expiratory flow {PEF } | advanced squamous cell lung cancer | fraction dose of 1-10 Gy | total dose of 4-80 Gy | physical radiotherapy parameters | biological factors | tumour stage | follow up period | survival period | preoperative treatment | preoperative radiotherapy | 5-Fluorouracyl | Surgical needles | cutting type needle | stage of the disease {pTNM} | Long term clinical results | esophageal cancer | dyestuff | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy {PEG } | target lesion revascularization {TLR} | Peripheral vascular diseases | pulmonary circulation | Toll like Receptors {TLR} | stainless steel | cuticular and subcuticular tissue closure | reverse cutting needles | micro-vascular | spatula needles | herbaceous plants | Ophthalmic | reverse cutting | blunt point | general surgery | urology | Orthopedic | bioremediation | Coated, uncoated | Braided Synthetic Absorbable | Monofilament Synthetic Absorbable | Nonabsorbable Monofilament Polypropylene | Nonabsorbable Coated Braided Nylon | Inferior frontal gyrus  | sodium hypochlorite  | insomia  | sickle cell disease  | voxel  | segmentation  | acquire  | sequence  | magnet  | microbial consortia  | incorporation  | oxygenase  | dioxygenase  | structural study  | microbial communities  | metabolic potential  | absence of iris  | polyphagous  | Semiochemicals  | sporozoa  | rhizopoda  | flagellum  | flagellata  | stoichiometry  | electrovalent  | introducer  | exposed  | momentum  | flood  | alkoxy radical  | provider  | motivator  | identified  | percentile  | Rescue stenting | Provisional stenting | Pelvic pain | Medial Femoral Condyle {MFC} | lateral patella instability | patella instability | ipsilateral plantaris tendon | Chondral lesions | tears of anterior cruciate ligament | Upper abdomen | Achilles tendon rupture | rehabilitation program | posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction | autogenic rectus femoris tendom graft | Organ Harvesting | Tissue Harvesting | cord blood banking company | blood bank | Donor {D} | Iatrogenic rupture of the trachea | Fantoni translaryngeal tracheostomy | resuscitation | acute intermittent | crusch syndrome | severe sepsis | internal jugular valve | end-diastolic area {EDA} | Thoracic paravertebral block | cardiac surgery | bronchial immunotherapy | clinical efficacy | nasal immunotherapy | oral immunotherapy | sublingual immunotherapy | Percutaneous angioplasty | tracheal stenosis | translaryngeal | diffuse coronary artery atherosclerosis | Concomitant disorders | hypercholesterolaemia | perioperative period | intra-aortic balloon pump {IABP} | Mechanical circulatory support | ventricular assist device {VAD} | implantable ventricular assist device {IVAD} | total artificial heart {TAH} | postoperative acute renal failure | Percutaneous subclavian angioplasty | carotid stenting | vertebral artery stenting | Carotid atherosclerosis | renal atherosclerosis | internal carotid artery stenting | cerebral circulation | self expandable stents | sulcus | claw | Mioglobin | myocardial injury | Perineal pain | Perineal | Pain localized to upper abdomen | perioperative rehabilitation | preoperative rehabilitation | psychological rehabilitation | Medical Psychology | Health Services for the Aged | Precordial pain | Facial pain | Facial | Pain in joint | Joint | Gas pain | Pain associated with micturition | Fetal bradycardia | Absence of aorta | Absence of lacrimal apparatus | Lacrimal | Madarosis of eyelid | Absence (complete) (partial) of alimentary tract | Aplasia of cementum | Congenital absence of urethra | Absence of cricoid cartilage | Absence of part of brain | Acquired absence of hand and wrist | Hand | Acquired absence of hand and fingers | Congenital absence of duodenum | Absent bowel sounds | Bowel sounds | Acquired absence of part of head and neck | Head | Neck | Acephaly | Gonadal dysgenesis | Gonadal | Absence of prostata | Prostata | Congenital absence of breast with absent nipple | Absence of salivary gland | Gland | Salivary | Very low level of personal hygiene | Personal hygiene | Congenital absence of ovary | Ovary | Absence of fallopian tube | Absence of testis |
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