Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96836 hase³ (48418 polskich, 48418 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

Resorption of teeth (external) | Coats retinopathy | Proliferative sickle-cell retinopathy | Solar retinopathy | retinopathy | Atherosclerotic retinopathy | Retinopathy of prematurity | Lid retraction | Rheumatismus | Radial club hand | Lobster-claw hand | Vesicular rickettsiosis | Typhus, tropical (mite-borne) | Rickettsioses | Rhinosporidiosis | Leukoplakia of vagina | Leukoplakia | Rickettsiosis | Rickettsialpox due to Rickettsia akari | Spotted fever due to Rickettsia australis | Spotted fever due to Rickettsia conorii | Keratosis | Erythroplakia | Acquired keratosis (keratoderma) palmaris | Seborrhoeic keratosis | Hyperkeratosis of yaws | Acquired keratosis follicularis | Hyperkeratosis follicularis in cutem penetrans | Follicular keratosis | Keratosis follicularis in cutem penetrans | Acquired keratosis plantaris | keratosis plantaris | Keratosis punctata (palmaris et plantaris) | Senile keratosis | Inherited keratosis palmaris et plantaris | Angiokeratoma | Keratoglobus | Keratoglobus, congenital | Abscess of nipple, gestational | Abscess, abdominopelvic | Urethral abscess | Vitreous abscess | Abscess of ischiorectal fossa | Phaeomycotic abscess | Hidradenitis suppurativa | Abscess of Cowper's gland | Abscess of Littre\'s gland | Acute stress reaction | Syphilitic pulmonary regurgitation | Radiculopathy | Pollinosis | Acute psychotic disorders | Transient psychotic disorders | Affective psychosis | Tropical sprue | antiplatelet drugs | regulatory peptides | Carcinoid tumour, argentaffin/ Argentaffinoma | chlorophenylpiperazine | encephalomyelopathy | hydrophillic | endogenous ligand | Brodie's abscess | sintering process | Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease | fungus | syndrome X | Esophageal web / Oesophageal web  | Encephalocele | vitelline duct | chilblain | Symbiotic psychosis | first phase of insulin secretion  | preclinical phase  | high-fat diet  | high-protein diet  | experimental diet  | glimepiride  | post-prandial secretion  | glargine  | detemir  | lipoatrophy  | rapidly acting insulin analogues | long-acting insulin analogues | hepatoselective insulin analogue | pancreatic islets transplantation | cardiometabolic risk factors  | ruboxistaurin | trichostatin A | patophysiology  | disturbances of glucose metabolism  | prong | perleche | mastodynia | gay | suction | antiviral | secretagouge | blockage | dysmenorrhea | physiopathologie | Malpighian tubule system | light-headedness | synovectomy | metabolic syndrome X | syndrome X, | insulin resistance syndrome | siRNA-paired mRNA | endoribonuclease activity | lateral medullary syndrome | posterior inferior cerebellar artery syndrome | encephalomyeloradiculitis | Encephalomyelocele | Nasal hemorrhage | Peri-Operative chart | TUNEL Assay | terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase biotin-dUTP nick end labeling {TUNEL} | poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase {PARP} | complex of the DNase DFF40 {CAD} | DNA fragmentation factor {DFF} | Caspase activated DN-ase {CAD} | Ischemic preconditioning {IPC} | death domain {DD} | mitochondrial permeability transition pore MPTP | death effector domain {DED} | Postconditioning {POSTCON} | RISK activation {RISK} | reperfusion injury signalling kinase {RISK} | Soles | budgerigar | grand mal | Mal comitial | pancreatic abscess | Synosteotomy | Synostotic, synosteotic | Medical Device Directive {MDD} | Active Implantable Medical Device {AMID} | In Vitro Diagnostic Device Directive {IVD} | chronic complications  | exenatide  | incretin hormones  | white coat effect | non-enzymic glication | metabolic pathways | glycated hemoglobin | glycated albumin | crystallin glication | ethnic factors  | pathophysiological aspects  | thiazide diuretic  | Anterior Glide Test | Gammalinolenic acid {GLA} | Wound care products  | angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor {ACEI} | Budgerigar fancier's lung | calcium antagonist | Coffee-worker's lung | Maltworker's lung | combined antihypertensive treatment  | Composite carcinoid | crystallin | Fishmeal-worker's lung | heat therapy | Hypertrophy of corpus cavernosum | incretin effect  | Megalocornea | Mushroom-worker's lung | propriception | purinoreceptors | serous synovitis | sicca syndrome (Sjogren) | sterilisable | Adultism | benzodiazepine  | dopamine | elderly | imaging modalities | visceral vessel aneurysms  | Balloon catheter | Iselin's disease  | Malignant lymphoma, follicular | Material Safety Data Sheet {MSDS} | Progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia | Stelle-Richardson-Olszewski Syndrome | radionuclide | Noncleaved | osteomyelitis aseptica chronica | Water for injection {WFI} | angiotensin converting enzyme {ACE} | Placenta growth factor {PGF} | auto-bone marrow transplantation {auto-BMT} | benign lipomatous neoplasm | Bird fancier's lung | Cell adhesion molecule {CAMs} | Chronic bullous disease of childhood | controlled clinical trials | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions {EFILWC}{EUROFOUND} | Hansen disease  | human growth hormone {HGH} | Insulin-like growth factor {IGF} |
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