Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96842 hase³ (48421 polskich, 48421 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

Fusarium sporotrichioides | ageing | anaerobes | amino ketones | adsorbed water | aggressive water | direct shear apparatus, shear test box | dry unit weight | DTA-curve | Ragwort | Dulcamara | Chamomile | Bladder-Kelp | REL- Recommended Exposure Limit (NIOSH-National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) {REL} | essential amino acids {EAAs} | bone marrow transplantation {BMT} | demographic data | discomfort | Protocol | pulmonary tuberculosis | smoker | viral infection | recruitment period | Study design | Study period | wash-out time | absorption profile | broncho-alveolar lavage {BAL} | maximum residue levels {MRL} | vinpocetine | absorbing agents | breastfeeding | chronic allergic hypopharyngitis | cock | cognizance | cold blood horse | convulsive seizure | crospolyvidone | killer cell inhibitory receptors {KIR} | Enterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli {ETEC} | epigalocathequine galate | ethynyloestradiol | gamma-aminobutyric acid {GABA} | high-risk patients | higly active antiretroviral therapy {HAART} | homidium bromide | human foetotoxicity | hydroxypropylocellulose | hymenoptera venom allergy | hyperammonaemia | hypomania | identifiable health information | iomeprolum | inch worm | indigo plant | instrument disinfectant | interindividual variations | International Non-proprietary Name {INN} | intertemporal choice | kanban | Whinchat | king prawn | labrador retriever | lady fern | lady's slipper | lean cut | lean meat content | lemming | longhorn | low sensitive area {LSA} | low-density lipoproteins (ldl) apheresis | luminescence immunoassay {LIA} | moclobemide | mydriasis | panic disorder | pregnancy | preponderance | prevent rejection of transplanted organs | prolificacy | propoxyphene | survival factors | protocol number | protocol title | provoke vomiting | haematometra | psychrophiles | Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationship {QSSR} | selegiline | Solvent-dewaxed haevy paraffinic | stocking density | stoking rate | symptoms get worse | thermolabel | thyroxine-binding globulin {TBG} | thyroxine-binding prealbumine | total amount of time | Total Equivalent Warming Impact {TEWI} | traceability | transthyretine | Treshold limit value (TLV), Short time exposure limit (TLV-STEL), Ceiling (C) exposure limit (TLV - CL) | Treshold limit value (TLV), Short time exposure limit (TLV-STEL) | Treshold limit value (TLV) Ceiling (C) exposure limit (TLV - CL) | ultrasound check of renal function | upgrading crossing | allograft rejection | allograf | beeswax | biotechnological methods | biotechnology | crossbreds population | cytomegalovirus infection | dip | elite herds (pigs) | endangered breeds | enterovirus encephalomyelitis | enzootic bovine leucosis | equine influenza | equine rhinopneumonitis ehv-1 | European Association for Animal Production {EAAP} | european foul brood | evaluation of the fattening and slaughter boars performance | extensive production | heads | heavy type turkey | heifer | herd book keeping | herd buck | Hereford | heterosis effects (individual, maternal and paternal) | high labour demand | high leanness | high-efficient breeds | high-input animal production | high-input system | highland area | highly patogenic avian influenza d. fowl plague | hog cholera | Holstein breed | horse dressage and jump competitions | horse-power | horses | Hucul breed | Human Development Index {HDI} | infectious bursal disease (gumboro disease) | infectious haematopoietic necrosis {IHN} | inter-subject variability | lumpy skin disease {LSD} | 1,3,5,7-tetraazaadamantane {E239} | ascending chromatography | acquest | acquisition | actuate | hyaena | adjacent | adsorption | haematoma of the broad ligament | candidiasis of vulva and vagina | ectopia | aerotaxis | aerotropism | affection | african glanders (in horses) | after swarm | aftermath | aftosa | agalactia, aglactosis | agamic | agamic generation | agamospermy | agamous | age at culling | age at disposal | age at first parturition | age composition | age mate | age-class composition | age-class distribution | agglutination test | carcnoid syndrome | agist | agistage | agistment | agmogenesis | agonistic behaviour | agrarianism | agreement by piece | agrestic | agricultural depression | agricultural price support | agricultural wastes | agriculturalist | AI bull | artificial insemination bull | IA centre | aids mastership | air blast freezer | air chamber | air inlet | air sac | air-cells |
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